Legacy Of Mandalore

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Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, Chopper, and Rau take the Phantom II to the planet Krownest while Hera, Zeb, and Luna rat at Chopper Base. Luna is in hers, Zeb's, and Ezra's cabin and she just woke up from a nap, she's laying on hers and Zeb's bunk.

Zeb walks into the cabin and he says "Look who is awake. Did you have a good nap?"

Luna says "Yes."

Zeb says "How do you feel?"

Luna says "Good."

Zeb says "How does the baby feel?"

Luna says "Why do you ask our baby yourself?"

Zeb says "Alright."

Zeb kneels down to Luna's stomach and he says "Hello little one. How are you doing in there? Well, your mother and I can't wait to see you. We couldn't be more thrilled to have you come into this world. I promise to protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. You and your mother mean so much to me, you both are my world. And I wouldn't trade anything for what I have right now. We hope to see you very soon because I can't wait any longer. Your my mother and I care about you a lot and we love you so much."

Zeb goes to kiss Luna's stomach and he stands up. Luna sits up and Zeb helps her get up on her feet. Zeb and Luna leave the cabin and they both head towards the lounge. Zeb and Luna enter the lounge and Luna sits down at the booth as Zeb goes into the kitchen. Zeb comes back into the lounge with two cups in his hands and he sits down in the booth next to Luna. Zeb hands Luna a cup and Luna takes it from Zeb.

Luna says "Thank you."

Zeb says "You're welcome."

Zeb and Luna both take a sip from their cups and Luna scoots closer to Zeb and she leans her head on Zeb's shoulder.

Luna says "This is nice."

Zeb says "What is, my dear?"

Luna says "This moment. Right here is nice."

Zeb says "Yeah, it sure is."

Luna says "It's been awhile since we had a moment like this, just the two us."

Zeb says "Yeah. I can't ever remember the last time we had a moment like this. It feels like it has been years, but is has been only a few months."

Luna says "Well soon, it's going to be much harder to have moments like this when our little one is here."

Zeb chuckles and he says "Yeah. But it will worth it."

Luna says "Yes it will."

Zeb and Luna take a sip from their cups and Zeb says "So, do you have any suggestions in mind on who's going to be the godparent?"

Luna says "Yep. And I only have one person that I can think of."

Zeb says "I'm thinking the same person that you are thinking of. But the question is, will they accept being the godparent to our child?"

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