The Siege Of Lothal: Part 1/Part 2

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Zeb and Luna were talking until Sabine says, over the commlink "Zeb, we need a pickup. Now!"

Zeb says, into the commlink "Copy. We're on our way."

Zeb, Luna, and Chopper get into the shuttle and Chopper flies the shuttle to the others. Chopper leaves the door open, with Zeb standing on the door and holding onto the door frame.

Zeb, Luna, and Chopper arrive with the shuttle and Zeb says "Come on!"

Zeb almost got shot by a stormtrooper and Zeb shoots at one of the troopers. The troopers continue to shot at the rebels and Zeb shoots at the troopers while Kanan, wearing a troopers uniform, Ezra, and Hera get on the shuttle. Chopper chitters and the rebels get inside the shuttle as Chopper flies it and Sabine jumps into the shuttle, from the roof. Chopper closes the door and flies away. The shuttle gets shot down by an AII Terrain Defense Pod and everyone grunts. The shuttle crashes into the city street and the shuttle stops moving.

Everyone falls and Zeb says, to Luna "Luna, are you alright?"

Luna says "Yes."

Sabine gets up and says "Come on. Come on! Up, everybody! We're moving!"

Sabine opens  the door and her, Hera, Kanan, Luna, Zeb, Chopper, and Ezra run out of the shuttle. The rebels run towards Ezra's former home and all of them, except for Chopper, go downstairs.

Sabine turns on the HoloNet News and a man says "A beloved citizen of Lothal, Minister Tua's life was cut short by this criminal band of rebels. If you see them, summon Imperial authorities immediately. Trooper corps have been mobilized in an extensive sea..."

Hera turns off the HoloNet News and says "They did this to turn Lothal against us. We can't do any more here. We have to leave, for good."

Ezra says "We can't just run. The people have to know the truth."

Sabine says "I don't think the Empire is giving us much choice."

There was an explosion and Zeb and Ezra go up and Ezra says "We're in trouble."

The crew escapes just before the troopers come in. The crew are on a roof and an explosion goes off in Ezra's former home.

Ezra says "If they know about this hideout, they'll know about our others."

Hera says "There's no more hiding. We need a ship. Maybe we can try one of the local Imperial airfields."

Chopper holographs a map of Lothal and Sabine says "They're locked down. Besides, we'll never get outside the capital."

Zeb says "The Empire's looking everywhere for us."

Kanan points at the Imperial Complex and says "Not everywhere."

Hera says "The Imperial Complex? Are you crazy?"

Kanan says "Does anyone ever say yes to that question?"

Sabine says "Hmm. He's right. Deploying troops to block every city exit has spread the garrison thin. It sounds crazy, but the area with the least troops will be here, near the factories. There are landing platforms outside theses hangars. They're our best chance if we're gonna find a shuttle."

Kanan says "I'm already dressed for the part."

Zeb, Luna, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, and Ezra walk over a cable to get to the other roof while Chopper flies. Much later, Kanan and Ezra, dressed as trooper and cadet with three crates, got into the Imperial Complex and they go in a storage room. Once they're in the storage room, Hera and Sabine get out of one of the crates. Zeb, recklessly, opens the crate that him and Luna are in and Zeb and Luna both grunt, very loud.

Hera says "Zeb, Luna, will you both be quiet?"

Zeb and Luna breathe heavily and Zeb says "What? We need to breathe. Have you smelled me?"

Luna says "Yeah, have you smelled him?"

Sabine checks the hallway and says "Huh. Don't think it matters if you're noisy. There's nobody around. This was a good plan."

Kanan says "Of course is was a good plan. We came up with it."

Ezra says "This way."

Chopper chitters and Hera says "Somebody get Chopper."

Once Zeb gets Chopper out of one of the crates and Kanan and Ezra take off the uniforms, the rebels make their way to the complex's starport.

Two troopers walk and one of them says "You think we'll find them this time?"

The other trooper says "We better."

The two troopers bump into Zeb and Zeb says "Found me."

Zeb grabs their heads and pound them together, which knocked them out. The rebels run towards the complex's starport, to find a shuttle to steal. Chopper opens a door and all of them run out.

The rebels stop behind a TIE and Kanan says "There's a shuttle. What'd I tell ya?"

Hera says "You did good."

The rebels run towards the shuttle, but Sabine stops. Hera goes over to Sabine and they found military-grade shield generators.

Hera says "Zeb, Ezra, grab all we can carry. These might help turn this day around. The fleet could sure use them."

Hera and Sabine take a shield generator and Zeb and Ezra go get a shield generator. As the rebels run towards the shuttle, Kanan and Ezra stop.

Ezra says "Do you feel that?"

Kanan says "The cold."

The other rebels stop and all of them see a man dressed in all black and he ignites his lightsaber, that's red, and he's no other than Darth Vader.

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