Ghosts Of Geonosis: Part 2

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Zeb, Luna, and Sabine are loading the deflector core aboard the Ghost in the cargo hold.

Hera says, over the PA "Zeb, Luna, Sabine, I need you up here!"

Zeb sighs and says "What now?"

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine go to the cockpit, where Hera is, and Hera says "Imperial light cruiser. They haven't detected us yet. We need to reach the others back here now, but I can't raise their commlinks. They must have gone back into the tunnels for some reason."

Zeb says "If I take a transmitter into the cave, think I can contact them from there?"

Hera says "Try it, but don't stray too far."

Luna says "I'll go with you."

Hera says "Sabine, you finish looking down the deflector core."

Zeb and Luna leave the cockpit and Zeb grabs the transmitter and him and Luna run out of the Ghost and they run into cave. Zeb and Luna enter the cave and Zeb gets the transmitter working.

Zeb says, into the transmitter "Spectre-4, Spectre-5 to Spectre-1. Can you read me? Come in, Spectre-1."

Kanan says, over the transmitter "Spectre-4, Spectre-5, we ready you."

Zeb says, into the transmitter "Kanan? All right! I got ya! Hold onto. Let me patch you through to Hera."

Zeb patches Kanan through to Hera and Hera says, over the transmitter "Spectre-1, do you read?"

Kanan says, over the transmitter "Loud and clear. We've found something."

Hera says, over the transmitter "So did we. The Empire is here! We need you back so we can go. You too, Spectre-4 and Spectre-5."

Zeb says, into the transmitter "On our way!"

Zeb and Luna exit the cave and run back to the Ghost just as two TIE bombers begin strafing the Ghost.

Hera says, over the commlink "Hurry, Zeb, Luna! Move it!"

Zeb and Luna get on the Ghost as the Ghost takes off. Zeb and Luna go to the top gun and Zeb shoots at the TIEs.

Zeb says, into the PA "Hey! I only got one barrel!"

Hera says, over the PA "Thanks to that storm, you're gonna have to make do!"

Zeb shoots one of the TIEs down and Hera says, over the PA "Strap yourselves in!"

Hera flies the Ghost into the shaft and Zeb says "Oh, this doesn't look good."

Luna says "You can say that again."

The Ghost descended into the depths of the shaft and the others board the Ghost. Hera, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine get to the lounge and meet up with the others.

Once the others are in the lounge, Kanan says "Saw Gerrera, this is Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and my daughter, Luna."

Saw says "Phoenix Leader, I'm honored to meet you. Your actions have not gone unnoticed among the ranks of other rebels."

Hera says "Neither have yours."

Ezra brings a Geonosian into the lounge and Zeb says "You found a local?"

Ezra says "It's okay. That's Klik-Klak."

Luna says "Is he the only one?"

Ezra says "We think so."

Hera says "Well, that's complicates things."

Saw says "He's our only clue to what the Imperials did here. I wanna take him with us."

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