Author's note

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I want to write a special note of thanks to Taylor Swift and her music, even though it's not like she's going to read this, but I want to thank her because of how amazing, creative and personal her songwriting is.

Her imagery and storytelling skills are exemplary. It's so simple and clear. She simply writes complex feelings.

I love the song lover and it just felt perfect to incorporate it because that song in itself is a perfect depiction of what love is.

Love is simple when done right and full of simple problems and simple fears that need to be tackled together.

There's a moment in this book where I initially used the phrase, "baby I'm right here smile" but I changed it to "miss me smile" but the thought is the same. Taylor's lyrics are free rent living in my mind ( see what I did there) I could've written a book just by using her song lyrics. I have to put a lot of effort to stop myself from exactly quoting her everywhere.

I used the phrase, long haul....again I learned it from Taylor.

Renegade in the matter of love, I think this is what I wrote...again I understood the concept of a renegade denying that they need care, love which is so simple to say but how to put it across somebody? Learn from Taylor.

Then about this story.

So this story is fictional but a lot of stuff has happened to three public people. I just followed the gossip very closely and I just had a lot of curiosity inside me to know what went down and I can't know that, hello, because I'm not God! So I made a story of my own. Because I needed to end this obsession. And now I have a story so I can finally move on.

Thirdly, there's a song that I wrote in this story, snow, cold, snow- it's not a real song if anybody wondered! I wrote it just for that moment. I wrote it in five minutes, I think. As for me, I like writing poetry. I have tried to write novels before but I feel like I'm just not generally good at them. I don't feel that even with this novel I've done anything extraordinary. Just because I love writing poetry, doesn't mean I can be good at writing a novel. But I still wanted to try and I think with practice I'll get better, but I will only write about something if it's irritating as hell and isn't getting out of my head. Like this story.

Fourthly, there's a lot of stuff about life, in general, that has changed my views regarding just how to be. Last three-four years of my life, I've learned a lot but there's still so much to learn I think with every year, I forget the things that I used to know as a kid so all the things that I told in this story, are for me, so that after some years if I come to read my story I'll be like, "Whoa damn! I knew that when I was young."

Fifthly, for anybody ever experiencing writer's block while writing a story, do this-

1) don't consider this as a burden. Enjoy your story.
2) instead of thinking about writing, start writing.
3)maybe try to write two chapters a day, at a selected time when you feel you are the most inspired, honestly for me its night time.
4) directly start typing onto your laptop or phone.
5)associate yourself with something that motivates you to write, for me it's music. I listen to music and I feel like writing.

That's all I know. I don't know if it's going to be helpful or not. And honestly, who am I to even give some kind of advice?

If you want to ask me any questions, please comment.

(Until next time with some other book,maybe)

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