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So she gave him her honesty and she consumed the care he threw her way.


" So if you knew that the other things were affecting you this way, why didn't you stop giving them your attention?" He asked her, politely in a very soft voice.

Normally if somebody asked her this, she would call them out be nosy but she felt almost nice, that Nathan was asking her this.

She felt a feeling that she hadn't felt in quite some time like somebody cared.

She didn't think of this as an act of nosiness, she felt it to be a caring act.

So she gave him her honesty and she consumed the care he threw her way.

She was shocked at how open she was allowing herself to be after all those years of self-preservation.

"It's not easy. It wasn't easy. It's just that during that period, all the things that I had been trying to protect for such a long time, disintegrated. You know, how you hype up in your head, that this thing scares me, so I have to protect it because if I lose this then my life is vain. Like you'll be nothing without that thing in your life if it gets lost. So yeah I was trying to protect it. But then it disintegrated, either way. I had no choice. I couldn't stop that from happening. I couldn't control it. But then when it happened, I didn't run away from it. I allowed myself to feel it and after some time I realized that it wasn't so bad anymore," she said with a smile at the end.

That was a light-hearted smile because that's what she was feeling.


" a Yeah, you realized that you had just hyped it all up, multiplied the stuff by hundred, and fed all those things to your head. Yeah, I get it. Been there, done that. But the important part is you realized it in time and got over it. You should feel proud of yourself," Nathan threw much-deserved acknowledgment her way.

" Aw thank you so much," she said to him.

" Okay now it's my turn to ask you a question, "One genre that you find the hardest and one thing that one should never do before they get to film set," okay Mr. Hotshot, what genre troubles the God of acting?"

" I don't mind being the God of acting as long as you're the Goddess of acting," he said and winked at her.

That made Kayden smile and blush hard. Seeing her blush brought a sudden boost of confidence in Nathen. He wanted to make her laugh more and this was their first meeting.

It didn't feel like that. To both of them.

"Okay to answer the question. I'm doing a film right now in the horror genre and I deliberately chose it. For two reasons, one is that I don't like horror, I don't watch horror. I started reading the script of this film and I was two hours into it, I wanted to drink water, I couldn't even go to the kitchen to pour myself a glass. I'm super scared of horror. And secondly, as I'm shooting for it now, now the ghost is created by VFX and CGI, so you have to imagine it all where the ghost is gonna come and you have to act it out and in that too sometimes you're giving an expression of different intensity and the ghost and sound effects that they've put is of different intensity. Your intensity might not match with it and the shot will look weird. So yeah it's very frustrating. Somedays one-shot takes the whole day because of so many takes. So it's a genre that I'm not fond of, as a personal choice and even professionally," he said answering the first part of the question.

" Well, that sounds like the toughest genre. I am yet to do a full-on horror but I have an upcoming horror-comedy. So all of what you just said is gonna help me out because now I know the mindset that I should have when I go to shoot for that," Kayden replied.

" I feel honored that I could be of help to the very best," Nathan said and there it was, that beautiful smile that he was aiming for.

Kayden smiled with a vibrancy in her eyes that shone so bright that he found himself getting addicted to it.

" You still have to answer your question," Kayden reminded him.

" Yes. To answer your question, see I have gotten the chance to work with great actors, like Sam Hardin, Vanessa, Dmitri, Anne, Alexa you know and they're all so great with their lines. I mean, I have seen the magic that happens when you're extremely ready with your lines," Nathan replied in a very thoughtful voice.

" But wasn't the question, one thing that you shouldn't do before going to the set?" Kayden corrected him.

" Yeah so I shouldn't be ill-prepared with my lines," Nathan said.

" I don't think you are ever unprepared. I think you probably go to the set knowing your script backward," Kay overruled his statement. She wasn't going to let him put himself down, just like he had stopped her from doing so, a few moments back.

"Aw thank you so much, Kay," Nathan smiled appreciatively at her.

Both of their smiles were so warm for each other. This was something they didn't even realize they were doing.

It was candid. Everything was natural. Nothing was fake.

" Okay, so we've gotten through a fair amount of questions. Now here's this cd player, so I'm going to press this button here and I suppose it's going to be some kind of judgment on how we've performed," Kayden spoke as she went to press the button.

Nathan laughed at what she said. She was flawlessly funny and she wasn't even trying to be.

His laughter triggered her response but their laughter was cut down as the cd player started to play a rerecorded voice, "It was great to have you guys here and we are genuinely impressed by all your answers. Thank you so much for sharing them with us."

"Do they say that to all their guests?" They both spoke up at the same time.

She started laughing first and then Nathan followed.

" You guys were amazing. I enjoyed it so much watching from the background. You're both so different, yet alike in more ways than others. Weirdly, you guys haven't met each other before," Tracy said to them as she joined them on the couch after the interview had ended.

" Yes, I mean. We haven't talked because there was no reason, no situation where we would've interacted," Kayden said.

Nathan nodded his head.

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