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Sea was fucking selfish just like time. Time decided when the wave would strike and it would be her time to be happy.


The next morning she felt her soul, heart, and mind, pushing her towards the sea. As a child, she had always loved the beaches. The wind in her hair resembled freedom of thought. As it flowed it made her thoughts flow.

She remembered that day she had decided to become an actress. It was just a day like today. Her parents had taken her to the sea and there was something in the way the sun while setting touched the water and delivered a reddish hue on the top layer of water and it glistened red. As it glistened, she listened to her heart's desire. She wanted to imagine herself with her lover at that moment.

Imagination led to visions that she wanted to see come true but in the form of stories. She wanted to see visual stories that she created in her mind and she wanted to be in them, herself.

Slowly she understood that it was possible to live different lives. She could be the same her but a different one at the same time. That's how she fell in love with acting. It started at the beach. One just like where she was right now.

She had worn her sky blue bikini and on top of that a mesh-like white cloth.

She had always wanted to visit Tulum but she didn't realize that she would have to come here under these circumstances.

She headed to a shop nearby to get something to drink. The heat was beautiful and brutal at the same time.

If people recognized her they waved at her asked for photographs which she happily complied to. People, she had always found were respectful to her and decent around her. It wasn't like they showed in movies that people would cluster around her. Most of the time, only paparazzi clustered like honeybees surrounding their combs.

She went to the bar and ordered a long island iced tea for her. She sat on the high bar stool and lazily looked around.

She saw a tall guy in white pants and a white transparent shirt walking in the opposite direction. A gnawing feeling made her want to impulsively follow him. She was stuck between two decisions, one, she wanted to follow him or two just sit here and drink her iced tea. She chose the latter.

Her eyes followed him as he walked towards the entrance of the same hotel as hers. So he was staying there too, so she could ask around for him or maybe he would show up in her path.

"Here's your iced tea," the waitress said.

She murmured thanks as she pushed the sunglasses on her face.

"Oh you're Kayd..," she started to shout but Kayden shushed her to keep quiet.

"People are busy amongst themselves here, I just wanna be alone for now. Needed some quiet," she said to her as she took hold of the straw and brought it to her lips.

The waitress's eyes fell on her lips and she licked her lips. Kayden took notice of that. It wasn't the first time that girls had looked at her like that. She respected and loved every sex and they had the freedom to feel whatever they wished to feel for whomever they wanted to feel for. She gave her a friendly smile.

The waitress came out of her thoughts and laughed and shook her head and smiled at her, "you're really pretty and yeah I just got lost in your beauty."

"You have nothing to explain. Beauty is in the eyes of the viewer,' Kayden said to her.

She asked her name. She said it was Nancy and they talked for so long as she made her sit with her because her shift had ended and she had nowhere to be. She ordered another long island iced tea for her and they did shots after that. It had gotten pretty crazy too quickly.

Out Of The Blue (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now