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Okay, this is a sad moment. It will pass.


Her mood was dampened. She thought that what he had said to her and lack of what she wanted to hear from him would throw her into the trenches of deep to the core heartbreak but all she felt was sadness but the amount of sadness that you're okay with.

That moment when you know you're sad but not that much that it is the end of the world or you wanna light all the curtains on fire or want to take a swim into the cold water to get over the sinking feeling.

It's just a part of normal, she wondered. She would have done anything to feel those intense emotions because that was living. Maybe being a woman in this society and the hurdles that she'd faced had toughened her up so now her response to problems was just okay, this is a sad moment. It will pass.

Her brain was empty as she entered her hotel. Hotel Seaside Paradise was blue, just like her mood right now. All the walls resonated with her temperament.

Tulum screamed Kayden from the moment she set foot here. She was as chirpy and sunny as she came here but slowly the blues of the ocean caught up to her and now the hotel was morphing into the emotions she was feeling.

Moments like this made her feel like her life was so in sync with her physically. Like she could feel her life in front of her as if she was outside of her body looking at herself from far away. She could point out the similarities.

She looked around at the coastal pebbles that they had painted in different shades of golden and copper, so shiny, so superficial, and hung on the walls, making various kaleidoscopic patterns, just like her emotions.

It was one of those moments where she was living in present but with nostalgia. The irony of the words, she thought.

She decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. What was the need to take an elevator, in an intimate hotel surrounded by water without somebody to complete all the elevator fantasies with?

Her mood soured and she had a nonexistent scowl on her face. She removed her slippers that were giving her feet the sandy feeling as she climbed the stairs one at a time. It was like she was punishing the staircase just by walking on it.

She turned and started to climb another group of stairs. Just as she turned, because she had her eyes closed she didn't see somebody was sitting just at the corner of the staircase. She collided with the same guy she had seen down at the beach. The guy in white clothes. She slipped her eyes onto his face and she felt like she had been electrocuted with a two hundred and twenty-volt potential.

She looked at Sam.

"What's that scowl? I thought you always had it around me?" He asked her as he smoked his cigarette.

She huffed as the smell hit her nostrils. She rolled her eyes and sat next to him on the stairs.

"Well I did come here to find you so everything that's happening is also because of you," she blamed him.

He laughed without actual laughter, "I'm not responsible for your actions and choices."

"You kind of are," she fought back.

"Fighting without logic is a fight not worth fighting. Just admit it, it was your choice to come here, I didn't make you come here," he said as he took in another drag.

"Yeah okay," she finally said.

"Hah," he said.

"What now?" She said.

"Always the same. You have no stand in what you say. Anybody will challenge you and you'll give up the fight and admit to what they want you to do. So easy to play with your head and change your decision," he said.

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