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Nobody should have the right to make somebody feel like that and for what?


After Van dropped her home and gave her honest advice, as he would usually give her. It was pretty decent, what he said.

To quote his words directly, he said, "don't spend another minute thinking about that jackass. He's not worth your time."

But it was easier said than done. She had to process all that.

But first of all, she had to understand the reason for her hurt.

And who better to get advice from than your mother.

So she picked up her phone and called her mother.

She picked up her call on the second ring.

"How's my baby girl?" Her mother asked in a cheerful voice.

" She's feeling like a piece of crap right now," replied Kayden.

Her mother laughed and said, " what'd he do now?"

" Mom, he was making out with another girl, not another girl mum, Alexa, you know her right, she goes with me to my gym and tells everybody that I'm her best friend. I don't know mom what to do. Technically we're broken up so he can date anybody he wants. It shouldn't matter to me but it hurts mom. What do I do?"

" Okay, I can tell you, babe. But I need to know very clearly, do you want him back?" She asked her.

Kayden processed her question and thought about it for a minute.

After eight years, if she broke up with him that meant she didn't want to be with him.

" No mom. I don't want to get back with him," Kayden confirmed.

" Okay baby. I wanna trust you on that and I've always kept my nose out of your business but please if you're comfortable in telling me why you broke up with him, please do tell. If I understand your circumstances I'll be able to guide you better," her mother told her matter of factly.

"Mom all you had to do was ask. I would tell you everything any day," Kayden replied.

" Aww, honey. I love you," her mom said emotionally.

" Okay, so mom. Four years back, he did two films with his ex-girlfriend, Anne Franklin," Kayden started.

"Okay that's not something to hold him accountable for," her mom said assuming as if that's her reason.

" Oh no no mom the story is yet to come. So she's the same girl who went to the media and accused me of ruining her relationship with Sam. She said that I flew to New York to meet him when he was dating her and I hooked up with him," she was back in the moment as she was explaining the story to her mom.

" Yeah, I remember. You got bashed brutally by the media," her mother admitted.

" Yeah. Which was all false mom. I didn't go anywhere. She even said that I should release my passport details to reveal my travels. Which I did and there was no travel to New York in it after that she started spinning the story of how depressed she had gotten and she would sleep sixteen hours a day because she wasn't getting film roles. Then to gather more attention, she went to that late-night chat show and said that Sam should endorse condoms, all her comments brought this barrage of negativity on both of our lives and it felt for a moment that our careers were screwed," She paused for a moment.

She continued," so mom I handled him at that time. I signed two films with him. And both of them got amazing reviews from the public. And we got to know each other very well and that's how we started dating. But four years back he signed films with Anne."

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