Author's note

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This is my fourth attempt at writing a book but this is the one that I'm most proud of.

First things first, the cover of this book is designed by Geegervy .

I'm very bad at descriptions as you would have seen what I wrote in the beginning but I want to talk about a lot of things that inspired this story.

I want to do it for myself because it would make me feel better about what I wrote.

I don't want to do it here because then I would end up telling the story but I want to say, that you know, there is one major theme which is the basic motivation for your story.

Furthermore, I want to tell you that the story picks up its pace after chapter 9 so till then all the chapters are there to give you a background of why the characters are the way they are.

So for my story, it is the feeling of knowing your self-worth. There are moments in everybody's life, as I'm sure there might have been in yours too. So with that self-doubt, a path of decreasing threshold unfurls and you start to settle for less than what you deserve because you think that's compromise. But we all know that's toxic and devastating.

This is the main feeling that I try to cover in my story and it's not just about somebody who has to deal with that but it's also about somebody who does that. Why do they do what they do? Do they want to do that?
It's not dark. It's just light stuff and in general life.

Look, at some places, you will be like why is this written in a suboptimal way, why isn't there too much drama, well because I tried to write in real-time.  I know fiction is supposed to be like heavy drama but my story isn't like that.

There are two scenes of smut in it, I'll put up a warning there. There's just one scene that includes spanking so if that makes you cringe you can skim through the lines. If you feel like it doesn't fit, like I said, Don't read it. It's no compulsion.

We all deserve somebody who treats us well and until and unless we find someone like that, we shouldn't settle for just anybody.

Also, happiness at the ending of the story is a choice you, as an audience have to make. There are two paths in this story, and which my character chooses and you would choose could be different, and based on that you will choose for yourself whether it's a happy or a sad ending.

I hope you like my story. Constructive criticism is welcomed. I edit my stories myself so I'm sorry for any errors that you see. I apologize already.

The number of books that I've read here and the comments that I've seen and talked to you guys in the comment section has made me feel so much better about the world. All of you on Wattpad are amazing.

With that, hope you enjoy it. It's a short one. Hope you have a rollercoaster ride with this short story and if there's even one sentence in my book that makes you feel something, my job here is done. Please vote for it, add it to your library, and leave lots and lots of comments. Any amount of love you show this story will motivate me to do better. It keeps the spark alive.


Out Of The Blue (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now