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But aren't we all trying to protect ourselves in small little ways


Her agent Maybel had informed her that her shoot was canceled today by the director so instead of that, Kayden had to do a Film Partner interview today with another actor whose name was kept hidden. So basically she had a full day of talking to a stranger.

Talk about awkward.

She needed to reach the venue in one hour.

She took a quick shower. After drying her hair, she decided to let it settle in natural waves. She picked a yellow sundress as her attire and paired it with white sandals. She wanted to keep it casual but classy. She used a little bit of color complexion cream and blended it with the brush. She didn't feel like wearing foundation. As her skin looked flawless after the blending, she used a blusher ball on her cheeks and she highlighted the sides of her cheeks to give a glossy look. She used petroleum jelly to soften her cracked lips and after she felt that they were smooth, she used bubblegum matte lipstick on her lips after rolling her lips inwards to spread them equally she decided to gloss them up a bit. She used the peppermint gloss as she loved the cooling effect it gave once it was applied. She decided to go with minimum jewelry and ended up wearing just a single thread-like golden hanging earrings. She slid a golden bracelet into her hand. She felt it dangle on her arm as she shook her arm. It was just a thing she liked to do whenever she wore bracelets or bangles. She loved the cool metallic touch when the ornament first touched her skin. She loved to wear rings, so she wore a customized golden ring that she had bought from a store in Prague, with the word— 'Queen' written on top of it. She smiled appreciatively as she looked at herself.

Until and unless it was for an award show, she never got herself styled by a celebrity stylist. She knew how to do makeup, her dressing sense was also alright. She could manage these small interviews by herself. She never understood why so many of her colleagues got even their airport looks styled. Pj's or track pants or comfy clothes should be the only style for airports.

She looked at her phone laying on the bed and she had an idea striking her head at the speed of light. She picked it up and thought of teasing her fans. She went to the balcony and placed her elbow on with railing and rested her hand on her cheek flaunting her 'Queen' ring. She opened the camera app and clicked on the selfie mode and snapped a picture as she pouted.

She uploaded her picture on Instagram to an army of followers who were a total of 169 million. She captioned it as 'Nevertheless she persisted.'

Van was already waiting outside, unsurprisingly. She understood that probably Maybel had already told him because she forgot to inform him about her schedule.

Soon she arrived at the office of Film Partners. She met Tracy Simmons, the host. She already knew her because throughout her career she had given many solo interviews to her.

" Are you excited to meet your partner in conversation Kay?" She asked her.

" Yeah, sure why not," Kayden replied.

She was a bit excited to find out who was going to join her.

" Hey Tracy, long time no see," Kayden heard a voice speak from behind her. The voice was coming from the corridor that she had just used to get here.

A very tall guy was hugging her. She could see his back, a highly toned back. He did work out a lot.

She still couldn't see his face because his back was still turned towards her.

She took time to admire his back profile. Her eyes landed on his arms. He had huge shoulders, big strong biceps. She wanted to touch and feel their firmness. Her eyes traveled down his long arms. She greedily swept his back with her eyes.

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