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We genuinely don't know that because one is keeping secrets and the other is telling lies we don't know whatever is the truth between us.


"Okay, Kayden your turn. What's the one thing that he has and no one else does?" Jaby asked her.

"This, I would also like to know," Sam joked and sat up straight and cocked his head towards her side to listen to her answer.

Kayden also appeared to be thinking. A little too deeply than the answer required her to do. She was ruminating hard, trying to find an unconventional statement that would somehow be true and did not feel like a stretch as if it killed her to say it but quite shockingly she couldn't come up with anything.

Sam flexed his neck made his head bow down and started looking at his lap and then towards the armrest of the sofa.

" Even he appears to be thinking," Jaby said to Kayden, as they both looked at Sam.

" A real pregnant pause guys. The tension is real," Jaby spoke up again, looking at the crowd this time. Trying to keep his audience entertained at the expense of her misery.

" I'm not getting it right now. Can I come back to this question later?" Kayden spoke up, finally giving up. Knowing she wasn't gonna get it. Why should she waste time it wasn't any use covering up the awkward moment. It was already created. Now she just wanted to be done with questions so she could go home. Then suddenly she remembered something.

" One thing that only he has, a voracious appetite for Instagram whilst on set, and a good thing about him is that he makes everyone on the set feel included like all the camera crew, light crew, set crew, sound crew, you name it. He makes everybody feel like it's their film and not just the main actor's or actress's film. He's a team sport," Kayden said exhaling a large breath after that as if it consumed all the energy from her body to come up with this answer.

" Thanks, Kay. It's been such a long time since you've said something good about me. Thank you so much," Sam genuinely thanked her.

" Oh, I wanna tell you something remembering from her words team sport about me. Sometimes the director would tell us to do the scene one way and then I would tell her to do something else and she would listen to me and many times my ideas won't work and then she would get scolded by the director when I should've been scolded because it was all me but she never told on me. She's a very good sport. And then sometimes I would be so much into my character and she would want to take revenge for her bad shot so she would be sitting on the chair, and saying things like, "hmm Brando's at work,"," gonna give the best shot of his career," while I was trying to channelize my inner actor. Moments like these were too funny," Sam narrated the story with so much enthusiasm that the girls in the audience fell in love with him all over again and Kayden plastered a huge smile onto her face and laughed along nodding her head.

She couldn't understand what Sam was trying to do. Why was he messing with her head that's all that he ever did? She shouldn't even be trying to guess the why behind all of his actions.

His thoughts, his actions, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to do. Kayden had already chosen her path of forgiveness and was moving forward. She wasn't gonna let this narcissist pull her back.

"So next question Sam, what's one thing that you don't like about Kayden," asked the host.

" Sometimes it's really hard to convince Kayden. She becomes too hyper and then we have to calm her down that everybody knows their jobs. You can trust the process. Just calm down. And yeah it's very hard to convince her, that's all," replied Sam.

" You agree with him, Kay?" Jaby asks her.

" I won't know about the convincing part because that's what he thinks. So I can't call him out on that. He's entitled to his opinion. But about being hyper. Yeah, we've been shooting this film for three years so when we started with it, I was very hyper but then I realized that whatever I'm thinking is not always the best. I might be thinking that it is, but it isn't. So yeah I learned that after that I've just been learning different things on set. I'm not hyper anymore," Kayden replied in a soft voice.

" So you disagree?" Sam asks Kayden directly with a challenging look in his eyes.

" What?," Kaydens questions him.

" You're not like this? Hyper and unconvinced?" Sam asks again.

" Yeah, I'm not."

" You're such a liar Kayden," Sam says with a humourous undertone in his voice.

" We genuinely don't know that," says Kayden.

" What? --," Sam starts to argue but Kayden beats him.

" Tell you what? We genuinely don't know that because one is keeping secrets and the other is telling lies we don't know whatever is the truth between us. So I would request you Jaby, not to get into too much detail of what, why, when's and the how's and ask the next question," Kayden said smartly. Pretty much seals the argument once and for all.

Her response got a howling of oohs from the audience and some were laughing so Sam also laughed it off but he was genuinely thrown off his game for a couple of seconds there.

His persona of a good guy was cracking with more ignorance she sent his way.

" You have to answer Kayden, one thing you don't like about him," Jaby asked.

" Umm he's lazy and uses his phone a lot amidst work," Kayden gave a very protected response. Her response was as bland as her looks towards him.

" Okay so with that we move on to the last question. Where should one look at, if anybody has to spy on Kayden?" Jaby asks Sam.

A very clever question.

" I don't know man. Normally people spy by checking somebody's phone right? So that's what I'll say. Spy through her phone. I mean I wouldn't know much about it, cause I've never done it," Sam answered nonchalantly but shutting down any rumor that could've circulated from his answer. His image was too precious to him.

"Kayden how can one spy on Sam? Where to look at?" Asked Jaby.

"The notes in his script," Kayden couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth. It was the first crisp and short answer that she gave.

Short, crisp, and effective answer that every interviewer loved but every celebrity hated and every publicist warned about not giving that kind of answer.

She was shocked at how readily the words tumbled out of her mouth and she hated that it gave away the fact that the interviewer was able to break her. He lured her with that question.

The words lay directly from her memory onto her tongue and now they were hanging in front of the world to find out the hidden meaning behind them.

She had deliberately avoided giving any personal answers during the whole interview but this threw her whole hard work down the gutter.

She remembered how she would see lipstick stains and different call me phone numbers and names of different girls in his script once upon a time. And most of the numbers would be written in his ghastly handwriting.

Once upon a time when they were together and she was his.

But there's a question she had always asked herself, was he ever hers? Or was it all fake? Was anything real?

Eight years can't be fake? Right

Till when was it real?

When did it start becoming fake?

Her mind was begging her to go to their last kiss but the road from the last kiss to the last time in his bed again is very short and she didn't like driving on short roads anymore.

Her treadmill of thoughts was stopped by the voice of the host saying, "Interesting. Very interesting,"

She sneaked a glance at Sam to find him nodding his head with one eyebrow raised. He probably realized that that's how she had been able to find out every single time when he was out building other worlds and crushing hers at the same time. Before he could make eye contact, she moved her eyes away from his face.

" Guys that was an incredible round. Thank you so much guys, for joining us. The trailer for their film Everyone Dances Once In A Lifetime is out now. Their film releases in cinema on 4 November. Book your tickets it's only two weeks guys. Make this film a blockbuster."

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