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" Well let's just say,  I woke up and chose chaos,"


" Bravo bravo! Perfecto! What an amazing shot! Oh my God, your beauty, I've never seen such class acting," director Pablo's mind was blown away.

Kayden thought she broke him with her acting. He came running to her.

" Wow. How were you able to get that scene down like that? It wasn't in the script. Because most actors give this reason that if it's not in the script, it's not gonna show on the screen, how did you play that out so beautifully? Because in the script it just says, look at the cameras and glance at him and then look at the cameras, but the way you performed, you elevated the whole damn thing. You made it a mess. A beautiful chaotic mess,"

" Well let's just say,  I woke up and chose chaos," replied Kayden cheekily.

Director laughed and said, " but honestly. I'm intrigued, how did you do it?"

" I understood the place where my character was coming from.  Normally when you see your ex, you become weak. But this is not the character that you have written. She is a star, damaged but still a star. She doesn't give a fuck about anything. She's rash, arrogant but still honest. That's the way she deals with the hurt inside. So, I decided if she was going to send a glance his away, it was going to be on her terms. Because men, like that ex-character you have written in the film, think that they own everything in the palm of their hands but they forget that we give them power over us, we can very easily take that power away. So I just decided I was gonna take that power away," Kayden said, but she wasn't done.

" The way I approached the scene was that he'll give me his smirk. For a moment, I'll think about him and that will make me look down, but then I'll look again into his eyes, trying to fish out what he's thinking, and then when I found that smirk again, I'll look away. Only a robot can recover from that so soon. So for two seconds, I'll look at the cameras but at the back of my mind I'm still looking at him, so in the next two seconds  I'll show him how easy it is for women to pretend to move on and kick you out of their lives if you do them wrong, at least the strong ones, who don't take anybody's bullshit. And your character doesn't," Kayden explained her method of acting to the director.

" Wow. You have a deeper understanding of the character. You got into my head," Pablo looked at her, incredulously.

" She is me. I am her, in this film," said Kayden. A hint of nostalgia in her voice.

"Okay gather around everybody, let's move onto the second scene,"

Austin, her co-star was a junior actor but the amount of success he had achieved in such a short time was astonishing and his nature was endearing. The many times she had crossed paths with him, he had been nothing short of a pleasant human being. 

The younger actor had arrived on the set. Although he was a tall fellow still Kayden towered over him. He was a green-eyed, younger fellow, dressed in his suit attire for the film shot. That made her think that he had probably arrived on the set before and might have been in the changing room getting ready because why would somebody come to the set already wearing an attire. The only exception would be if they got late.

Kayden didn't have enough time to greet him properly because she had already taken her position in front of the camera, so she just smiled and nodded at him and he did the same.

"At your places, everybody and..... action," said the director.

(Maria is the name of the character that Kayden plays in the film)

"Mam, mam," Austin yelled at her, as he followed her on the grass.

Kayden turned around and looked at Austin. She held a glass of champagne in her hand and sipped at it, seductively.
Austin looked at her full lips touching the edge of the glass. She deliberately slipped a small part of her tongue out of her mouth licked her lips and said," yes?".

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