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The line was fucking drawn and it was going to stay that way. Till she wanted it to stay.


Kayden was waiting on the set of 'My movie hunger pangs' show waiting for Sam to arrive as the self-acclaimed prodigy was late once again. Okay so not self-acclaimed, everybody knew he was great at what he did, even the factor of nepotism couldn't even make anybody hate him. The man did justice to his genes with the passion that he brought into his every character. When he acted, he didn't become the character, the character became him.

So immersed in her thoughts and stuck in her head she was that she didn't realize Sam had arrived. She only got to know when two fingers snapped her out of her daydream.

"If you're back to earth, can we start the interview and get it over with?" Sam asked her.

"You do realize I am the one who reached on time?" Kayden retorted and stood up from the sofa straightening the creases in her dress.

"So? Am I supposed to give a freaking medal?" He replied testing her patience.

Luckily God had bestowed Kayden with enough patience to tolerate this dude's bullshit for eight years, what was two more weeks? Piece of cake.

She ignored him and went to the host of the show. He followed her.

"Okay, guys so it will just be a simple 30 minutes section of me asking you simple stuff regarding your life here and there. Nothing big. Just keep the answers quick and short because we have to upload just a ten-minute video on YouTube because it's hard to keep the audience engrossed for anything longer than that. So yeah that'll be all. We'll start when you're ready?" Jaby, the host explained the rules to them.

Sam and Kayden nodded simultaneously but Sam beat Kayden in replying first, " let's start. We're ready."

They followed Jaby in the center of the set where a couch was kept and took their places on the extreme ends of the couch.

Kayden would have preferred a different couch. She couldn't stand the proximity of this guy after filming with him for three years. She needed every connection to be over in between them but despite her attempts to cut off all the connections, Sam didn't seem to get the idea. He would still send her memes that he found funny on Instagram, he would like all her pictures that she would post and she wanted that for a day her phone would not show any notification in the shape of his name. But every day he would find a way to get into her life and she would do everything to make it seem like she didn't see it and if she saw she was unaffected by it.

Fake it till we make it, could never have been a truer statement.

"Well hello guys, you're back again with your host Jaby here watching my movie hunger pangs. Where we dissect all things movie to calm down down our hunger pangs and here helping us do that for this episode are Sam and Kayden, your very own power darlings. A huge round of applause for them," Jaby introduced them.

His introduction culminated in massive applause that made Kayden's heart lift from its loathing trenches.

" Okay, so you guys are pairing after such a long time, and every time you've come together your chemistry has been fantastic. All your films have been superhits so now without a doubt this one is again gonna be a blockbuster," Jaby's words erupted in a booming round of applause once again.

" That's what we're hoping for," replied Sam.

" Okay so since you have such strong fanbases, your fans have sent us millions of questions and we have picked out five questions in which you'll be alternating to give answers. Alright, so the first question is what does it feel like to wake up like Sam Hardin?" Jaby asks Sam.

Sam makes a thinking face and straightens up a little bit before answering, " umm nothing special. If you ask Kayden she'll probably say it feels like being the laziest person on Earth,"

The audience laughs at his cheeky comment.

" This is a question for yours truly. What I think doesn't matter," Kayden replies a little bit self-conscious because she didn't think he would call her out like this publicly.

" Okay, so Sam has answered. Same question for you Kayden, what does it feel like to wake up as Kay?" Jaby asks me.

"First of all Kay. I approve of that name. Secondly, I have no idea how to answer that-," Kayden starts to answer but she is cut off by Sam's voice.

" He means to ask you," says Sam.

" How does it feel to be as beautiful, charming, graceful -," adds Jaby.

" And as loved and as adored like you Kayden," says Sam.

After hearing Sam's words the audience makes an aw sound. All the girls going gaga over his effortless flirting.

Kayden wasn't immune to his charms and he knew that but it was time to set the record straight. Kayden wasn't giving in and he needed to see it. Her heart was hurting from his words, her mind was yelling why did we have to end but her soul, the soul which once was brutally broken and still the mosaic pieces were barely hanging together by a low-quality glue, that soul won't allow her to cross the line once again.

The line was fucking drawn and it was going to stay that way. Till she wanted it to stay.

" Thanks, Jaby. That was sweet," Kayden spoke, her words completely disregarding Sam's presence.

" Why are you saying thanks to him. I'm the one who said those things," Sam replied in a mock complaint.

" No but the way Jaby framed it was really beautiful, " replied Kayden, without looking at Sam.

She hadn't once looked at Sam since the interview started and she was going to keep it that way for as long as she could.

" Wow, I paint the picture, and somebody else frames and he gets all the credit, wow," Sam retorts funnily making the audience fall for his act but not Kayden because she knew him a little all too well.

"Okay moving on to the next question. So, Sam, you answer first, tell us the one thing that Kayden has and nobody else or the one thing that you like about her?," Jaby asks his next question.

" Okay umm, so Kayden is like a very tight book. Whether how long you've known her or how many conversations you've had with her doesn't matter you still won't be able to know her completely because she's like a layer after layer after layer after layer after layer after layer. Also, she has a very strong individual character and she has such a strong bond with her family. Her love for her family comes from her heart. It's pure," Sam replies very thoughtfully.

Very few times Kayden allow herself to be stunned into silence by what Sam has to say. Most of the time she flicks off his comments like it's all nonsense but how could she flick this one-off. When she's being observed by live visitors, recorded on cameras, and tomorrow when it will be telecasted everybody will judge her expressions, her reactions. There will be body experts reading her body language. It is all fucking impossible to handle all the time. How can she act perfectly fine when she's feeling nothing like it.

And interviewers are the most hated people after paparazzi for a reason, they know all the places to poke you with a sharpened knife.

" You want to react to anything that he just said, Kayden?" Jaby asks her like the good little interviewer he was.

" What a wonderful selection of words," Kayden simply said looking at him for the first time during the interview.

Soon after she gently let her hair fall in front of her face so that her head was turned to the opposite side as him and she wiped a tear with her index finger from the corner of her eyes. Hopefully, her tactic would've worked and nobody else would be able to pick that up from the interview tomorrow.

" Okay, Kayden your turn. What are the one thing that he has and no one else does?" Jaby asked her.

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