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Nathan had left in the morning. He had kissed her and told her that he had an early morning shoot at five am so he left at three am because he needed to prep for it and get ready.

She had followed the same routine that she did every day. Wake up, shower, and read the script for today's shot and then Van arrives.

She was in her car, eating her daily morning waffles with fruits and a small glass of coffee.

She was going back to shooting with Pablo. Today her scenes included in which she had to realize that men didn't define her nor were they important for her happiness. She needed to be happy in herself, realize her self-worth, and then kick them out.

Today was going to be an intense day.

She reached the set and slipped into her work mode. She left her phone inside the car.

She talked to the director Pablo and he gave her some notes though everybody knew she was going to improvise it herself.

Austin who was playing the role of Charlie joined her. They discussed the scene together.

After Kayden's makeup was ready, she walked onto the set. The moment she got there, everybody became serious. The chatter died down. She gave a thumbs up to the director who got behind his camera.

"And action," he said.

Kayden and her ex-boyfriend in the film had gotten back together and Charlie was pissed that she chose him again even after the less than mediocre effort he put into wanting her.

So he creates a scene at the party. Where does he ask him what gifts has he gotten her? Just a disgusting costly ring? But Charlie got her many gifts because it's the thought that counts and not the cost of the item.

Austin does one hell of a job of his scene. He bowled it out off the park.

All this time she had to act as if she was listening to him.

He then further went on to say what kind of a pathetic party this is full of sad souls where one is kissing somebody else's wife. One is latched onto somebody else's boyfriend. He said to Maria (Kayden's character) that her boyfriend was kissing some other chick.

The actor who played the role of boyfriend spoke up and said, "what kind of people do you keep around yourself, baby?"

A switch turned inside Kayden's brain as it was her time to act now.

She screamed, "shut up Charlie," she grabbed him by his collar and dragged him out of her building. She kept dragging him until he was at the entrance. She threw him against a pillar and said, "you are nothing? Who do you think you are? How can you stand over there and give me that bullshit? Just because I gave you some importance in my life, you think you can fill up my ears with your baseless lies and ruin my life? Learn your fucking place, Charlie. Go and tell that girl that you left back in your pathetic small town, that you hung around with Maria, LA's darling, and see if she believes you. Bloody nothing, get out Charlie," she snapped her fingers and showed him out as she did that.

"Humiliate me more Maria, I need it," Charlie kept on speaking as she threw him out of her building. He started laughing as she grabbed him by his collars.

"Do you want to get more humiliated or this is enough?" She asked him as she was on her way back.

"This is enough. Now I have understood what is important in my life. All my life I kept on running after glitter, the glamour, the lights but in reality that girl that I left behind. She is my everything. I have to get back to her," he said and then he ran away.

Kayden then turned around and threw her hands under her hair to give it a shake. She entered her house and grabbed a rubber band and tied her hair into a ponytail.

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