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Time is the best mirror and it could be used as a weapon on people who have kaleidoscopic personalities while maintaining your vigilance.

The last kiss was the perfect rainy end to that storm of a lifetime.


Sam curiously, looked between Kayden and Nathan. He was getting a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't place the emotion because he'd never really felt it before.

He didn't know what to name it.

"Buddy, no hello for me?" Sam spoke in a friendly tone looking at Nathan.

"Man, can you blame me? When The gorgeous Kayden is standing in front of you who looks at a random dude?" Nathan replied cheekily.

Kayden felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks. She couldn't ignore the smooth praises he threw her way.

Either he was genuinely a good person or a very smooth flirt.

But one can't judge a book by its cover. Time is the best mirror and it could be used as a weapon on people who have kaleidoscopic personalities while maintaining your vigilance.

When you're playing a game of time, patience is a virtue. And Kayden, being a Cancerian soul, who was gentle on the inside with a hard exterior was blessed with a lot of patience.

So she just saw and heard what Nathan did and spoke.

"So you guys are friends?" inquired Sam.

"No," Nathan and Kayden spoke up spontaneously.

Like the idea of being just friends wasn't welcome.

The moment the words escaped their mouths, their eyes found each other. Some form of the unspoken deal was signed between them, one only they could understand or maybe not understand.

Sam looked between them. He didn't like the feeling that he was getting but it annoyed the hell out of him why was this feeling even bubbling inside him.

" Honey, I was looking for you. Why are you standing here?" came the child like the voice of Alexa.

" Oh hey Kay, hey Nathan. Its all party party party down here, what's up guys," she said as she shook hands with Nathan and Kayden.

She snaked her arm around Sam, sending a clear message to every lady in the room that he was hers.

Kayden never wanted to admit it but Alexa was pretty smart. She knew beforehand that Sam always wanted to keep his relationships private. He would never officially call somebody his girlfriend. So Alexa publicly declared him as her boyfriend and she would make so many public appearances with him.

Kayden hoped it worked out well for them. She didn't wish anything bad on Sam now that they weren't together.

She was mature enough to know what relationships work and sometimes they don't. Not everyone we date is destined to be with us forever. She wanted Sam to do well in his life.

She wasn't a nineteen-year-old girl anymore. But there was something she missed that her nineteen-year-old self had. Her nineteen-year-old naive self loved passionately and was open to all the challenges that came in her way. But as she grew up, the spark of love faded and now she wondered would she be able to love as hard as she once did?

She missed the girl she used to be, when not with him.

But she didn't hate Sam. She loved him, he had loved her once. They both had lost their way in love. He lost a lot more than she did.

But that chapter of her life was closed for her, once and for all.

The last kiss was the perfect rainy end to that storm of a lifetime.

"Yeah Sam and Nathan were just congratulating me for the win," Kayden finally replied to her, since nobody else did.

Alexa was too busy to listen to her because her lips were busy leaving kisses on Sam's neck as he hugged her. What started as an innocent hug was turning into something else.

Kayden wasn't very comfortable with the unnecessary PDA and neither the Sam she used to know was so she made the mistake of looking up into his eyes.

His eyes were staring straight into hers as if he was waiting for her to look at him just once.

And as simple as that, that one look and all the memories that she had pushed aside came back to her like the scent of a strong perfume that enters your nostrils without your permission. You can't complain, you can't stop it. Memories consume you.

Memories are such a powerful feature of the human brain. One tap into the past by a trigger so random and you're buried underneath an ocean of moments coming at you one wave at a time, and sometimes like right now, as was happening with Kayden, all came back together like a giant wave.

The first time she met him to the first kiss they shared, the first vacation they took to Malibu, the first day when they moved in together to their new house, the grocery shopping, furniture for the new house, they painted the walls together in their favorite colors blue and purple, the first time she told him she was his and he told her she was the only one that made him want to be a better man and to the very first time they had their last kiss and the very first time she had finally ended it.

Nathan was only looking at Kayden. The more he kept on looking at her, he realized the way she was looking at him. He felt his heart deflate a little bit.

He tried to read her body language but he couldn't pull his eyes away from hers as she stared at him.

Nathan didn't know why his heart made him do it but he touched Kayden's arm as if to shake her out of her trance.

It worked.

The moment Nathan's hand touched her, it worked like a trick and she was pulled out of Sam's hypnotic vortex. She would've gotten stuck into it if it wasn't for him.

"Do you wanna ditch this shit?" Nathan spoke into her ear, very calmly.

He spoke so softly almost feather-soft.

She didn't have to think twice. She nodded.

He didn't have to be told twice. He motioned for her to move and they both started walking towards the south of the building.

She saw Nathan take out her phone and dial a number.

"James, bring the car to the back exit," he spoke into the phone. She guessed James to be the bodyguard or driver.

They got inside the car as soon as it arrived. Since the award shows were still going on and so many major awards were still left there wasn't any paparazzi at the back exit. She was thankful about it, she didn't want to risk the start of something to be ruined by paps before it even took a turn.

On the next turn, she saw Nathan say something into the ear of James.

Soon the car came to a stop on an empty dark road and James got out of the car.

" Come to the front, Kay" Nathan simply said as he popped her a drool-worthy smile.

"You could've dropped him somewhere, didn't have to kick him out like that," Kayden said, as she fastened her seat belt.

"These stupid people had to find the lamest venue to hold this award show. The whole road leading up to the main convergence is like this. If I dropped him anywhere, he would've still had to call a cab, so I did a favor," Nathan explained and smiled his lovely smile.

Okay, now she, was even finding his smile lovely. First drool-worthy, now lovely. What was even going on with her? She wasn't a schoolgirl.

Without realizing it, she smiled back at him.

So she asked herself again. What was happening with her?

Nathan was happening to her.

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