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My heart's been borrowed and your's has been golden


She didn't come.

Of course, he hurt her so bad why would she want to see his face.

These were the thoughts that were running through his head.

He wanted to be on the optimistic side but looking at his track record, especially the past few days, his heart was dragging him down the pessimistic road.

Nathan sat in the center of the stage inside the empty theatre. He had arranged this whole thing. He had arranged the cameras at all the corners, walls, and door  so that whenever she entered, they would capture everything from all angles. He didn't want somebody else to invade their privacy so he had it arranged by a tech team beforehand.

He had everything planned, it just required for her to show up.

With each ticking minute, he felt his heart swiveling.

What if she was done with him?

Suddenly the phone in his pocket started ringing and it was one of the guards calling him up.

He picked it up, guessing they were asking him to vacate the theatre already as it had been two hours and nobody was showing up.

"Sir, she's here," he said merely three words and it was like his dying heart had been revived like power was revived by a generator.

He became so confused because of nervousness. His body was performing actions of its own accord.

He was an actor for Christ's sake but why is it that in front of her, he became this naive child who didn't know what to do.

He needed to get his shit together.

That's when he lost his composure when he saw her walk inside the theatre.

She wore his tracksuit.

He felt hope.

That one look at her gave him the confidence he needed.

She was looking at him with her confused eyes.

As she started to walk towards him, he grabbed the microphone from his pocket and spoke into it, "stop."

She stopped in her tracks. Her confusion heightened and it could be seen on her face.

She twirled, looking around, not knowing what to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting before you, our Oscar and Golden globe winning actress. None other than your own, critics' favorite, America's darling and the queen of my heart, Kayden," he said into the microphone looking at her as if he was introducing her to a theatre full of people.

All the lights in the background dimmed and only the spotlight was on her.

Golden pieces of confetti started to fall on her. Confetti rained on her. The moment was purely golden.

Her eyes widened as she looked around stunned at the dazzling moment.

Everything combined with Nathan's voice, his words, and just his presence were enough to make her speechless but giddy at the same time.

The look on her face made him fall in love with her all over again.

He could buy this theatre, hell, he would build her, her very own theatre, and shower her with praises, applause, and love if he could see this look on her face every day.

"I was reminiscing how my life was before you and it was just like this empty theatre. So I was thinking, my girl is really mad at me, and she might decide to leave me and all because I was a coward to let her in. So I decided that I can't tell her because I don't know, exactly what it is that I have to tell so I'll just show her." He paused.

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