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She shouldn't be putting her through so much just to prove the critics and haters wrong.


For the next four weeks, Kayden had been busy with her appointments with other directors. When she wasn't meeting up with directors she was reading scripts that her agent Maybel had sent over.

As she sat huddled over her sofa hearing the ripples from the fireplace, her mind wandered into a nostalgic place where she found herself reminiscing about her past self. She used to be so adrenalin driven that once if she sat down to read a script she would read all of it altogether but because of recent events in her life, she had decided to give herself a break, and now she would do the amount of work that was necessary or the amount she was comfortable with doing. She didn't want to burn out anymore.

Recently she had devised a way to avoid burnout and still be at the top of her game.

Avoid men.

Men got her in trouble. These men would destroy her social image and then she would have to work double hard because she needed to reinvent herself, her PR would tell her to do that. Media had a way of completely minimalizing her acting skills and taking away credibility of her hard work by publishing out bullshit articles that she got all her film roles because her boyfriends recommended her to directors because initially in her career everybody was a friend to her but slowly as she achieved success beyond people's comfort zones, all hell broke loose and suddenly they weren't sure whether she deserved all the fame and love she got.

If a man went through a breakup, the same words same headlines won't be used about him. They are just reserved for women.

So she worked double hard to make her life be all about her, all headlines about her work. Sometimes she wondered, she dealt with all the hate, all the criticism, cynicism, skepticism because she thought she had him by her side, she was ready to take it all on her because she thought it would be reciprocated or even appreciated. She thought she knew the direction in which things were running with him. She thought she had a future with him so she fought.

She fought like hell with all the accusations media threw her way. But little did she know, he would never choose her. She always ignored the little things. But the tiniest of the tiny things matter in a relationship.

Now that she could see things she wanted to leave a diary note to her future self, so she did -

Next time you fall for someone, have the clarity to see his actions, and that you can do just by asking a simple question to yourself because that's what it all boils down to,

Is he doing the same for you as you are doing for him?

Kayden didn't give the media and the critics time to focus on anything else.
In three years she had signed eighteen films, which meant six films per year.

She didn't care if all became super hits or not, she loved acting and she was doing it.

Kayden was currently reading the script of Star's aligned and she was halfway through it when her phone rang. She saw the caller id.

It read Sam.

She grew irritated at the mere sight of his name. She had no idea why was he calling her this late? Only one way to find out...

She picked up the phone.

"Hello," she said.

" Hey, I wanted to let you know that I have mailed you next week's promotion events for the film. Just take a look at them and reach the venue on time tomorrow," he said.

" Thanks. Bye," she said and abruptly cut the call. She had no intention of listening to any word that came out of his mouth.

She quickly jotted down all the events on her post-it notes and posted them on the refrigerator. She realized the first interview she had tomorrow was at ten am.

She looked at the script that she was reading, she had gotten a gist of it and only the ending was left but she had already fallen in love with the dialogue writing, so she sent her agent a text.

Confirm Star's aligned and get my dates ready. I wanna start shooting asap.

She knew it in her heart she needed to be doing something she loves, she needed to get a kick out of something from at least one aspect of her life if she was going to be tolerating her ex for the next two weeks. It was gonna be a disaster, she could already feel it.

She had always liked interacting with people during promotions because these things were for fans to watch. She loved all the interviews, late-night shows, games, roasts, award show speeches, everything. And she tried to be as genuine as possible with her answers because her fans could see her for herself and then they would see her in the movie, pretending to be playing a different character every two months. After all, she did sign six films in a year but that was unhealthy for her. Now she was going to reduce that. She shouldn't be putting her through so much just to prove the critics and haters wrong.

One republic said it right, don't care if the critics never jump in line.

Cause they'll never do. They'll remember you for one film that'll work and then forget you the second somebody else's film does better than you at the box office and then they'll say how they have an oscar and you don't.

The Oscars are lucky to have a Leo, not the other way round.

She made her way to her room. She kicked off her shoes and after setting an alarm for eight in the morning, she turned the night light off slipped under the duvet, brought her legs closer, and curled herself like a squished ball, pulling her duvet closer to her chin, she closed her eyes and let sleep drag her into the depths of a peaceful night. Because for now, the night was peaceful like it had been for a year.

Who was she kidding, she would choose chaos any day over peace but chaos to an extent is good chaos, and anything above that is just madness.

She had chosen chaos once but it all backfired and became madness and now she had nothing to choose so peace settled inside her bones. So maybe peace is the accustomed setting of the universe but we make it a choice to choose violence?

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