Chapter 8

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"Louis likes you."

I turn around to Zayn, completely surprised. "What?!"

"I think he likes you."

"No, doesn't." I continue to fill chips in bowls, while he's putting alcohol in the fridge.

"He definitely does."

"How would you know?"

"It's obvious. He's a friend of mine, right?"

"Has he told you that he likes me?"

"No, he hasn't, but-"

"Then don't make conclusions without knowing anything. I also thought that he was straight."

Zayn bursts out in laughter. "WHAT?!"

"He's straight, right?"


"Woah, stop, that's mean."

"I didn't mean to be mean, but he is definitely not straight. Also, he once snogged one of my friends, and then he did it again and again, so no, he's not straight at all."

"Oh." That actually makes a lot of sense. I mean, I already suspected that he wasn't straight, but I didn't want to label him. That'd also explain why he said that he was that proud of me after I came out. "Meh. I still don't think he likes me."

"I think he does."

"I don't."

"I do."

"I don't."

"I do."

I look at him, my arms crossed. "Fuck you. He doesn't like me."

Zayn sighs. "If you say so."

I aggressively grab a bag with mini burgers and put them on a plate.

"But you can't deny that he wasn't flirty around you during the theatre class."

"We had fun, it was cool, but he wasn't flirty."

"He put his hands on your hips!"

"Because we needed to slow dance."

"His head was lying on your chest."


Zayn stared at me with disbelief. "Why don't you want to admit that he likes you?"

"Because he probably doesn't, and because I used to have a huge crush on him, because he was the first person I've ever really liked and because he made me figure out that I'm gay."


"Yeah. Oh."

Zayn plugs in the cable of a music box. "But... why would it be bad then if he likes you?"

"Because he isn't my type anymore. I like tall and manly men."

"Well, that seemed different on Thursday."

"What do you mean?"

"Uhm, you acted kind of quirky, and you blushed a lot and you seemed quite nervous."

"Well, I am not interested in a relationship with him."

"Of course. What time is it?"

"Don't you believe me?"

"What time is it?"

"I don't have any love interest in him."

"What. Time. Is. It?!"

I sigh and looks at my watch. "8 p.m. When do you think the first people will come?"

"I don't know, I guess our friends will be here soon. Should we watch a film or something until then?"


Later, while we're lying on the couch and watching some weird dating show, I ask: "So you won't believe me."

Zayn groans. "Can't we just shut up?"

"No we can't, since you're still thinking I'm lying."

"I swear, I'll slap you soon."

"Did you really think I liked Louis?"

"Yeah, I did. I still do to be honest, but since you're like my closest friend I have to believe you."

Oh my god. He's an amazing friend. I don't deserve him at all.

I smile. "I love you."

"You keep on saying this way too often, pay attention because later everyone will think we're dating."

"There are different kinds of love. I love you like a brother."

"You don't have to tell me that, I already know this, mommy."

I think about what he just said. I love Gemma, she's an amazing sisters, but it would be amazing to have a brother, too. I can't talk with Gemma about my problems, or about thinks men like to talk about.

"It's cool that you're bi, because we can talk about men."

"But I like women, too! Don't forget this. Also, can we please stop making such a big deal of my sexuality? It's not who I am, it's only an- actually quite irrelevant part of me."

"Of course, I'm sorry." I guess not everyone is as proud as I am.

Zayn grabs my wrists, pulls me closer to him, then he presses a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, too. You're like the little brother I always wanted. Even though you're now taller than me."

I laugh. "Aw, you're so cute!"

"I know." He chuckles, then he hugs me tightly. "See, this is why I liked the idea of you and Louis. I won't let anyone hurt my little brother, and I know that Louis would never hurt you."

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

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