Chapter 115

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November 2018
I immediately smiled when Harry's name popped up on my phone screen, but that smile quickly faded after he started talking.

„Please don't freak out." His first words made me do the exact opposite of what he wanted me to do. I panicked.
I could hear some kind of trouble going on in the background.

„What's happening, Harry?" My heart was already pounding like crazy.

„I got in a little car accident, but-."

„What?!" I couldn't believe my ears.

„Hey, I'm fine. I promise I'm still in one piece. I just can't drive my car home, I need you to pick me up."

I was already putting my shoes on and desperately searching for my purse while he was trying to explain where he was.

„There's no need for you to come all the way over here. I'll walk to the corner near the bakery and you can pick me up from there." He said.

„No, Harry. I'm picking you up where you are and we're going to the hospital."

He tried to argue, but knew I was too stubborn and worried to give in.

„Stay right where you are. I'm on my way. I love you." I hung up before he had the chance to protest any further.

„What the hell happened?" Gemma asked as I tried to get my thoughts together.

„Harry was in a car accident." I told her.


„He said he is fine, but I don't believe him and he needs me to pick him up now." I told her, getting my jacket. „Could you please watch Avery while I'm gone?"

„Of course, of course. Let me know when you know more."

„I will, thank you so much." I practically ran out of the house to my car.

As I rounded the corner Harry described, the scene in the road made my heart stop and I understood why Harry tried to get me to pick him up somewhere else. It was not like he told me on the phone, this was not a little accident.
I pulled over to the side of the road where Harry was waiting, my hand covering my mouth as I was trying to blink the tears out of my eyes. My car door flew open and he held his arms out for me to run into.


All I could do was whimper his name as I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing my hands over his back and appreciating that he was still standing in front of me.

„I'm okay, sweetie. I'm okay." He assured me, hugging me closer to his body in an attempt to calm me down.

I pulled away and held his face in my hands, my eyes darting around to look for anywhere he could be hurt. As far as I could tell, he was fine.

„Stop, honey. I'm fine, don't worry."

I couldn't stop myself from glancing over at the wrecked car, that was still in the middle of the road. Just by looking at the scene, I could imagine what Harry must have felt right before the other car smashed into his. There was nothing he could have done to avoid it.

„Don't look over there, Grace, please." He practically begged, taking in the panicked look on my face. I was blinking quickly to stop any tears from falling and the thought of Harry being in that car when it smashed was making me feel sick.

„I...I'm so glad you're okay. Oh my god, Harry." I pulled him back into me as I finally started to relax and I felt him take a deep breath as he squeezed me a little closer.

„We're going to the hospital." I insisted.

„Sweetheart, we don't need to, I'm fine-."

„Harry, we're going. Just in case."

He gave me an annoyed look, but when I raised my eyebrows at him, he knew he was not going to get out of it. After a few more attempts at convincing me he was fine, he finally gave in and hopped in the car and let me drive.

He eventually admitted by the time we reached the hospital, he was actually glad I forced him to come. His entire body was starting to ache and his head was pounding horribly. Judging by the pain in his head, he was not too surprised when he was told he had a pretty serious concussion.

I shot him one of those looks that said ,I told you so', but he could tell by my tight grip on his hand, that I was more concerned than anything. He got released from the hospital with some painkillers and instructions to take it extremely easy for a while. Instructions I would definitely make him follow.

We got home and explained to Gemma everything that happened before she gave Harry a kiss in his cheek and went home.

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