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Chapter 581 Getting Meat 1 

In these years, I don't want to say that I can eat meat and vegetables, but I can have a little meat for the guests. Otherwise, it is not very decent.

  Of course, the more meat, the greater the host's face.

  Under the conditions of the countryside, not to mention how much meat can be obtained, at least there must be a bowl of meat dishes per table.

  Luo Yujuan couldn't get a catty of meat, so she couldn't do anything in a hurry, so she came to Zhao Xiulan and asked if Zhao Xiulan had a way to get meat.

  Otherwise, the banquet can't be handled well, and I don't know what to do!

  After hearing Luo Yujuan's words, Zhao Xiulan could understand Luo Yujuan's feelings.

  Although you can't get pork on Ming Noodles, there is a lot of pork stored in Zhao Xiulan's space.

  Zhao Xiulan comforted Luo Yujuan, "Second mom, don't worry, I happen to have a friend who knows the person in charge of the pig slaughter factory. There are more pigs slaughtered these days. I will ask him to find a relationship and get some pork. It shouldn't be difficult to come back.

  But it may not be too much. I can only get a seven or eight catties back. I will go to the grocery store to see if I can grab a limited supply of pork. I still have some special meat tickets here, which should work.

  Go on. All you have in your hand are ordinary tickets, and you don't have the right to purchase. I took the special meat ticket and I should be able to buy another two or three catties of pork. A total of ten catties of pork will be collected for you. Do you think it is enough."

  Zhao Xiulan was able to take out more pork, but it would definitely make people suspicious of too much.

  That said, it can alleviate some people's doubts.

  Zhao Xiulan didn't know if ten catties of pork were enough for the banquet.

  Anyway, it is definitely not enough in the 21st century. The material conditions of this era are much worse in all aspects, and it can only be done by improvising.

  There is definitely not so much meat and vegetables available at the banquet. If there are many tables and ten catties of pork are spread, each table does not have much.

  In addition, in this era, there are usually eight people at a table. These eight people will definitely bring their children over to eat. If one person brings one or two children, a table is equivalent to a dozen people eating.

  Originally, there was not much meat for a table, but if it continues in this way, it is estimated that a person can only share one or two bites of meat.

  Luo Yujuan heard what Zhao Xiulan said and nodded very happily, "Enough is enough, Xiulan girl, ten catties of meat is enough! If you can help me get ten

  catties of pork, that would be great." Luo Yujuan also knew this. Pork is hard to get at that time, you can't get a catty, let alone get ten catties of pork.

  Luo Yujuan came to find Zhao Xiulan this time, wondering whether Zhao Xiulan could help her get three or four catties of meat. This can make do with a few banquets, if there is no meat at all, it won't be possible.

  "Second mother, the pork is at the price of the grocery store, two yuan a catty, you give me 20 yuan.

  You should not have a lot of meat tickets, you can give me as much as there are not enough meat tickets, I will help you pad. "

  At Luo Yujuan, the money is enough, but the meat ticket is really not enough.

  Last time Zhao Xiulan sold salted fish, she only got three catties of meat tickets for her. In order to hold the banquet, Luo Yujuan also specially asked someone to get some meat tickets, but only two catties of meat tickets were obtained, so the total was five catties of meat tickets.

  If Zhao Xiulan brought her ten catties of pork back, there would be no way to get the five catties of pork ticket.

  When worrying about how to do, Zhao Xiulan put forward to help, Luoyu Juan heart naturally very grateful, " girl, The Two mom and you do not kind, back, etc. Second mother to get the prisoner back to you again!"

  This time too Luo Yujuan didn't refuse when it was not when he declined to be polite.

Chapter 582 Getting Meat 2

  But Zhao Xiulan's help Luo Yujuan will naturally be remembered, and Zhao Xiulan will not suffer. When she goes back, I will send Zhao Xiulan more salted fish.

  "Well, second mother, sister Xiuling, don't be polite with me. I should help a little bit where I can help. Don't worry, I will get it for you tomorrow when I go to the county town."

  Zhao Xiulan, Luo Yujuan is relieved. Very, the things that have been pressing on my mind during this period of time have fallen off.

  "Girl Xiulan, here are the money and the ticket, you take it!"

  Luo Yujuan handed Zhao Xiulan the twenty yuan and five catties of the meat ticket.

  In order to appreciate Zhao Xiulan's help, I gave Zhao Xiulan another five dollars, "Girl Xiulan, the other five dollars, look, if you have anything you want to eat, you can buy it back and be the second mother's heart. , Don't refuse, don't be polite with your second mother."

  Zhao Xiulan can also know Luo Yujuan's thoughts, she has helped such a big favor, and she can understand it when she tells her back.

  Otherwise, Luo Yujuan probably feels sad!

  Zhao Xiulan did not refuse, but accepted Luo Yujuan's kindness.

  Luo Yujuan said again, "Xiulan girl, then I'll go back first, and the man will come and hire later. I have to go back to prepare meals and entertain people at noon! If you have time, you can go there and eat at noon.

  Meal !" When we do marriages in the countryside, the man will usually come over and hire him a few days before getting married, and then get married.

  The so-called hiring is to come over to give gifts and prepare something.

  These years, the material conditions are poor, and the average person will send a few tens of rice grains over. This is already extraordinary.

  Especially when there is a shortage of food, no good things can be given.

  However, the specific gift depends on the wishes of her in-laws. Those who are rich and interested will give more. If the conditions don't work, send less.

  Basically, the general things are negotiated by the men and women before!

  But like the rich in the city, the wedding will be ready for three rounds.

  The so-called three revolutions and one ringing are the four major pieces. Including radios, bicycles, sewing machines and watches.

  With this "three turns and one ring", the average family feels that they are living a "well-off" happy life. "Three revolutions and one ring" is the highest wealth that the people of this era can have! It is also one of the important criteria for most women to choose a spouse.

  These are the four rare household items that ordinary people hope to own at this time, and generally need to be purchased with a ticket. Sewing machines, bicycles and watches all turn, and the radio will ring, so it is also called "three turns and one ring".

  Among the four major pieces, sewing machines generally refer to "flying people" or "panda brands". Bicycle, generally refers to "Phoenix", "Permanent" or "Flying Pigeon". Watches generally refer to "Shanghai brand". Radio generally refers to "red star" or "red light".

  Of course, the country folks do not have this specification. So far, the production team members have not seen anyone who can match the three turns and one ring.

  Among other things, a bicycle costs one hundred and fifty yuan.

  A Shanghai brand watch, not an imported watch, costs one or two hundred yuan.

  With the addition of sewing machines and radios, shouldn't they add up to at least 500 yuan?

  In addition, in this era, the supply is based on tickets. Even if you have money, you have to get the corresponding tickets!

  It's not easy anyway!

  Therefore, only the wealthy in the city can offer such a high-standard betrothal gift. The average countryman dare not dream of it, and only has heard of it.

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