2. Frustrated.

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.Eliana Roberts pov.

"Fucking Indian bastard...he is not gonna get a penny from me whatever it takes I am not ready to negotiate this deal John.. how many times I have told you not bring this matter up. if he's gonna file a case let him file the case.."Eliana for him it's just a case but for you and the companies reputation , what you're going to do about that ". Do you know what will people say about you and our company political activist s may burn our company..plus he got support from all the Asians whom you fired . He is gonna say you're a racist and you're humiliating Asians and spreading Asian hate. He even has tape saying cursing him as an Indian that's fair enough..you will be in jail . You need to understand the situation here Eliana.

"So what John am I gonna pay him 50 million dollars for stealing my .. l mean our companies new idea and selling it to his mistress who works at Richard industries". "He fucking betrayed us don't you get that , we had a loss of millions of dollars". And he is also a nasty pervert...

"Yes Eliana I get that you're upset but you cursed at him calling him an Indian Asian or whatever that's racist . Plus he got support from all the Indian employees whom you have fired later ." John I don't fire Indian employees alone I fire everyone who's not working properly not just Indians I scoffed.

"But it's not gonna work Eliana" and neither you have any proof that he stole our idea". "I mean Richard industries got his back they are gonna say it was there idea". Look he got more back up and proof. I know 50 million is not a big deal for you Eliana than our entire company ". If you're gonna go to court I am ready Eliana after all I am your lawyer I can do my best". But every board members said it will be good if you accept the offer.

"Whatever John give me sometime I exited the room with frustrating mood, and I am heading towards the interview room to select a new person to the old bastards seat I hope new one will not be cheater. And I may be racist or whatever I am never gonna ever hire an Indian to my company ever I mumbled myself as I entered the room.

I saw a girl sitting on the chair her back was facing me . She quickly stood up from her seat and turn around greeting me with a small smile which I nodded my head she is a normal girl she appears to be natural there was no makeup over her face she has a beautiful smile I can say and her dimples are so cute her hair was black neatly tied into a ponytail. Her facial features are perfect in size plump lips and something that caught my attention was her eyes it was so deep I mean even though by appearance it looks simple but it shows multiple emotions which I quiet can't read. She was wearing a black shirt and a gray skirt she was not skinny but have got a nice body a little fluffy at belly which I found cute anyways her dress was neat and doesn't show any cleavage means she's not buying the job with a show off .

I shake my thoughts why am I judging her looks I am here to know what she got .I sat into my chair and gave her one of my half fake smile and told her to introduce herself. When she said the word Indian I scoffed myself . That bastards face came into mind and here's another bitch going to do the same thing I got more disgusted my colleagues smiled at me they found it quiet funny. I want to fire her right at that moment anyways I keep checking her knowledge.. From her I answers I can say that she got brains I hope she uses it for the best or else I am gonna fire her within a month..

I heard that she has been recommended from a prosperous business man . His company is one our share holders. So yea of course u can't reject her. So I maintained my bitchy face which I think she found annoying or was she scared anyways she was not looking into my eyes I must say she was scared. I like to have such effect on people. I smiled myself internally . As I thought how am I gonna make this young girls dream about America shattered. She said that America was her dream land . She described it as something heavenly magical now I am gonna show her true America and true American people.

She told us that we were generous people.. I am gonna be very generous to you Kiara...I mumbled myself as she walked out of the room with a toothy smile. I was not even intrested in looking up from my phone guess what all indians deserve that attitude from me.

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