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We've been busy, even busier than we thought we'd be.

Every hour of every day has gone with testing our Time Machine, and then when we'd figured that out, and we were somewhat decent in that area, then we started talking about the stones. In detail.

One specifically caught my attention.
The Soul Stone.
Apparently it's located on a planet named Vormir, and I'm not entirely sure what really happens there, I only know, that it's where Nebula's sister was murdered by Thanos.
But I'll do everything I can to retrieve it, and all the others.

I already feel far more confident with this, than our last encounter with that ugly motherfucker.

I fear though, for Thor...
He hasn't been himself, and I get it, but it's hard to see him like this, and I wish I could help, but I haven't seen him for so long, so I wouldn't even know what to do, and I don't even think he wants help.

I finish my notes for today with the date as Nebula finishes her disturbing story about her murdered sister.

October 14th, 2023

If we're lucky, we can start our plan tomorrow, and if everything goes according, we'll have everyone back by the end of the month, and everyone can reunite, and Steve and I can get properly engaged.

"Romanoff let's go. We have thinking to do" Tony says, and interrupts my daydreaming of all the good things that'll happen within a month.
"Be right there" I tell him, and I turn to Steve who puts a hand on my cheek and strokes it gently.

"Few more weeks" I smile hopeful.
"I can't wait to put a ring on this finger" he whispers, takes my hand and kisses it softly.
"I can't wait either" I whisper.
"Then go, go with Tony and Bruce. Be more of a hero than you already are. I love you Nat" he says and gives me a fast kiss.

"Cap, I'm right here" Bruce sighs by the door a few feet away when Steve kisses me.
"Sorry Bruce. I'll see you guys later. Thor and I have a workout" he says, and pecks my cheek before he goes to Thor's chair, and practically have to force him out of it.
"Good luck with that, Cap" Scott chuckles.
"Go do bug things Scott. We have a plan to stick to" Steve says, and finally gets Thor on his legs.
"Yes sir!" Scott says and salute before he leaves the room fast.

After three hours Tony, Bruce and I are running out of energy. We've been in one of the dining rooms for so long, that we've ended up in rather awkward positions.
Tony and I on the table, and Bruce on the floor.

We're discussing Dr. Stephen Strange when I realize something.
Tony and Bruce are discussing whether he lived in New York or Toronto when I interrupt.
"Guys, if you pick the right year,there are three stones in New York" I say. How come we haven't thought about that before?

Both Tony and Bruce go quiet, and they both sit up from their horizontal positions.
"Shut the front door" Bruce says.

All three of us rush around the compound, gathering everyone, and we meet in our regular conference room.

After another while of discussing, Steve goes into full Captain mode, and looks at the hologram of the six stones.
"All right. We have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot" he says.

"Get a nap folks. It's happening tonight" he says and looks at all of us.
"That really doesn't fit with drink time, but I suppose I can make an exception" Tony says.

I don't know if it's because I just very much care about it, or if everyone feels it, but it's like the compound's buzzing, and I can feel that as Steve and I walk hand in hand back towards our room.
It's happening. It's finally happening.

"It really is happening" I squeal and snuggle up against his chest as he opens our door.
"And you've planned it so beautifully, My Love" he says when I sit down on the bed.
"You've done perfectly as well" I let him know.
"We're going to win" he says with confidence.
"I sure hope so" I say, and we cuddle up, taking our last nap before we're winning this war.



When I wake up, the sun is already setting, and Nat's left the bed.
"How do I look?" She asks with a smile when she exits the bathroom in her time suit with her hair braided.
"Beautiful as always" I say, and she blushes slightly.
She's been in a much better mood recently, and so have I. This really has been necessary. For everyone's sake.

"Get your suit on, Soldier, we have a war to win" she says and pulls me out of bed.
"And then a wedding to attend" I smile and kiss her lips, a gentle kiss, but full of emotion.
She runs her fingers through my hair.
"Ten minutes" she says with an excited smile.

We join the rest of the team just outside the garage with our Time Machine, and I go through what I intend to say in my head one more time.

While I'm certainly not the one most fit to lead this team - because that's in my opinion Nat, I still feel obligated to say something.
This is life changing, it's history changing.
"Everybody ready?" Scott asks, and everyone nods.

We make our way to the platform, and I look around on all of them.
This is the proudest I've ever been to be a part of a team. The only thing missing from this team, is everybody else. And Bucky. Especially Bucky, because he's been my teammate, my best friend, and my biggest supporter since before I could breathe properly.

I finish my great hero speech, and they all look at me. Every single one of them with hope in their eyes.
Small comments, and last laughs before we part temporarily is exchanged, and I know for sure that this team is far strong enough for this.
And for that they should be proud of themselves.
As the Captain I've been since I was pumped up with chemicals eighty years ago, I know I am.

When all of us are quiet, sort of awaiting this big moment right before we travel back in time, Nat breaks the silence.

She looks at all of us, but ends her gaze at me.
"See you in a minute" she smiles, and then we take off.

I'm already sad...

Eat food people. Eat the pain away.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now