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The evening comes around, and Steve and Natasha are getting ready to complete their mission after spending the afternoon planning how.
Steve is sitting on the couch wearing a suit and reading  an old magazine that had been left on the coffee table when Natasha comes out of the bathroom in a pretty, but not over the top dress.
Steve gets up to leave with his 'wife' for the fancy restaurant, and even though she's not actually his wife he can't help but notice that she looks beautiful in that dress.



I come out of the bathroom in a beautiful dress, that fits very well on my body, tight but not too tight, and Steve gets up from the couch.
He looks at me.
"Are you ready?" I ask him, but he keeps looking at my body. "Rogers?" Still no answer. "Rogers? My eyes are up here" I say again and pinches his shoulder. He looks up.
"Yes?" He asks kind of thrown off.

I smile to myself. I  just got the most holy man on the planet, America's Golden Boy to gaze at me.

"Are you ready to leave?" I ask again.
"Yes of course, I'm really sorry" he apologizes.
"No no don't be" I chuckle as I put on my heels.

"My lady" Steve says jokingly when we're leaving the room and holds the door for me.
"Why thank you kind sir" I answer in a posh accent and we both chuckle as we lock the room up and leaves.


Natasha looks very good in the dress she's wearing.
This I think about as we leave the hotel and go to the parking garage across the street. I shouldn't be thinking like this, it's not appropriate for a gentleman to think about a lady he is not married to.

"Your shield is in the hidden compartment in the trunk, just in case right?" Natasha asks when we get to the car.
I check and nods. "It is, but we use your equipment tonight as we agreed? You have your holster?" I ask her.
"Of course we'll use my things tonight, it makes the most sense. And yes, I've got it" she says and lifts up her dress a little revealing a black holster around her thigh.

"Check the car for cameras real quick, I still don't trust all S.H.I.E.L.D agents" she says after putting her dress right again.
We do so, but find nothing, as we expected since most agents are believable, but still not all. We learned that the hard way.

Natasha gets in the drivers seat and I, in the passengers. She starts the engine and we leave the garage in silence with the GPS guiding us to the restaurant.

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