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I now have Nat panting in my ear, weakly leaning against me.
What just happened will teach her, that I don't ever want any previous lovers of hers to as much as look at her.

"That was the best sex I've ever had" Natasha sighs and closes her eyes.
I hum a 'mmh' and kiss her sweaty hair.
"I..." I say, but I'm interrupted by Wanda banging on the door yelling:
"We're almost in Wakanda! Get out of there before everyone on this jet knows what you two just did in there"
"We're coming!" Natasha shouts, and she looks at me as she gets her suit back up and gets her vest zipped.
"I should really get Bruce to look at me more if it leads to this" she smirks and run her fingers through my hair that's just as sweaty as hers.
I grab her waist tightly. "Don't even say that. I don't want him to look at you" I hiss. He better keep his eyes off her, even though I know how impossible that is.
"Then fuck me this good more often" she smiles and kisses me.
"Well, let's go find somewhere for a round three because I'm still mad" I smirk and take her hand as we leave the bathroom.
"I won't say no to another round" she laughs and we let go of each other's hands as we join the others.

"Just how horny are you?" Wanda whispers to us as we stop by her side on our way to the main part of the jet.
"Very horny" Natasha nods.
"If you don't mind it, when we land, can you excuse our absence for maybe 15 minutes?" I ask Wanda hopefully.
Natasha gives me an elbow in the side.
"20" she says, looking at Wanda and then she turns to me with a smirk, snaking her fingers down my suit, and I get aroused again. But who am I kidding? I'm always aroused around Nat.
"A-actually 30" I stutter, blood rushing to my face, my mind wandering to illegal thoughts.
"You guys are gross. But fine" Wanda frowns.

"30? Natasha whispers with a smirk as Wanda steps away, deeply disturbed.
"I can't only do 20 minutes when you look this good, My Love" I whisper, my eyes glued to her perfect body, and her perfect face and perfect lips.

After another good 15 minutes of flying, we get through our opening in the invisible shield to Wakanda.

We exit the jet, and we're met by King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje.
"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something" I say and shake his hand.
Bruce clears his throat and awkwardly bows, I like him but it's funny that he's embarrassing himself a little. Then hopefully Nat will see that she didn't go wrong when she chose me.
"What are you doing?" Rhodes asks him.
"Uh, we don't do that here" T'Challa tells him, and we immediately start talking business.

"...the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa ends his listing of our soldiers as he points at...Bucky.
"And a semi-stable 100-year-old man" Bucky finishes his sentence with a smile.
I smile back and hug him. I've missed him, and he looks like he's done good recovery.
"How you been, Buck?" I ask him as I pull away from the hug.
"Uh, not bad for the end of the world" he smiles.



Steve and I join the others a little later than planned after spending who knows how long in some empty room where we broke some vase, and we're maybe still a bit sweaty, maybe both of us with all red, swollen lips and hickeys, although we've tried to keep them as much under our suits as possible.

Wanda looks at us, looking amused and disgusted at the same time.
Bruce looks up as well, and gives me an awkward smile, looking like he's getting what's going on, and then he just looks like someone punched him in the face, and I don't know why, but I feel bad for him.

"Good job, pal" Bucky chuckles and pats Steve's shoulder when he approaches us in the far end of the room.
"How do you..?" Steve begins.
"It's in both your faces that you just had sex" he laughs, whispering the last word so the others won't hear.
"Why are you acting like a teenager?" I ask unamused.
"Oh come on, it's fun that you can't stay away from each other" he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. God no, I hate when people wiggle their brows.
"About the not able to staying away from each other" Steve says, and puts his hand on my belly, but I slap it away.
"Steve, no" I hiss quietly. I'm not sure that I want more people to know.
"Love, it's Buck, he can know" he says and looks at me.
"What can Buck know?" Bucky asks intrigued.

Steve looks at me and I roll my eyes with a sigh, telling him 'fine'.
"Natasha and I are having a baby" Steve whispers.
Bucky's face lights up. It's good to see him happy, because he doesn't seem like he's been truly happy for too long.
"A WHAT!" He shouts and everyone looks up.
"It's nothing" I reassure the others, and they return their focus to their conversation.
"A baby boy, and...My Love, do you want to tell him the name?" Steve asks and smiles at me.
Bucky looks at me with big eyes.

"His name's James, after you" I smile. His eyes gets wet.
"You're really naming your baby after me, after what I've done?" He almost whispers.
"Bucky, that wasn't you, so of course" Steve says softly.
"Do you wanna feel him?" I ask and pat my stomach, gesturing for him to feel James kick.
"Are you kidding? Of course!" He exclaims and places his hands on my belly.

After a while of no kicking, James kicks, and Bucky looks up in excitement.
"There it was! I felt it!" He smiles.
He keeps moving his hands around on my belly, looking so full of joy.

"I'm uncle Bucky, and I'm your daddy's best friend, and I can't wait to have a little Steve running around again" he whispers excited to my belly.
"Little Steve running around AGAIN? Why'd you have to go there?" Steve asks with a laugh.
"Well, you were quite small" he laughs back.

"Guys, what is happening over there? We are in the middle of something important" T'Challa's little sister Shuri suddenly says. She doesn't sound mad at all, more curious.
"Nothing, we're coming" I answer with a smile.

"Seriously dude, congratulations" Bucky smiles and hugs Steve.
"And you too, Natasha" he says and hugs me too.

"Thank you for making Bucky happy" Steve smiles and gives me a little kiss when Bucky's left us to join the others.
"You did half the job" I smile.
"He's going to be a great uncle" Steve sighs and looks at Bucky, who's now talking to T'Challa.
"Yeah, yeah I really think he is" I smile. Bucky's happy, so now Steve's happy, and then I'm happy.

I know this chapter kind of sucks, but I watched CATWS tonight for the millionth time, and I just remembered how sad everything was for Bucky, and it made me sad, so I wanted to write something for him to be happy about.
I hope it's acceptable!

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