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The visit at Tony's didn't go well. He denied helping us. It was good to see him again no matter what, but we're already running out of options.
He seemed happy, he seemed collected.
He's married, he has a daughter. He has what I want. He has a life that right now is without another care in the world for anyone else than Pepper and Morgan.

Steve and Scott are discussing our sudden decision to meet up with Bruce as a last option.
I don't quite hear what they're saying, because I'm not paying attention.

Seeing Tony and Morgan. It made me think about James. My baby boy who I lost.
Tony doesn't seem to care. I know he doesn't know that I was pregnant, but it hurts. It hurts to see him and Pepper have something that Steve and I could've had as well.
I bite my lip hard to keep the tears in.
If it was only Steve in the car, it wouldn't have been as important.

"What do you think Nat?" Steve asks.
"What do I think about what?" I ask and look at him.
The look in his eyes softens when he sees my teary eyes.
"About asking Bruce" Steve says and caress my cheek.
I know it's a little because he wants to assure me and himself that I'm his and not someone else's now that we're going to see Bruce, but it still makes me feel better no matter the reason.
"I think he's our last opportunity. I'm pretty sure he'll have something to say about it, but I don't think it's his area, so I don't wanna get my hopes up" I say.
"He's still a scientist" Scott shrugs.
"I guess you're right..." I mumble.

We park outside a diner and the massive green guy tells us we're at the right place.
"Bruce. Thank you for meeting us with such short notice" Steve greets him.
"Hey guys! Of course Cap, I didn't want to waste this new look at home" He gestures to his new physique. He sounds exactly like himself, but he looks like a mix between...well Bruce and The Hulk.

We all head towards the entry, catching a couple of glances from the surrounding people.
"Wait, wait before we go in, I need to ask you something Nat" he says and his massive hand grabs my shoulder.
"What's up?" I look at him.
"Are you and Cap still..?" He asks, and I think he looks like he hopes we aren't.
"Yes we are Bruce, in fact we're..." Steve says and takes my hand, squeezing it tightly, and I stop him from telling Bruce that we're getting married if we pull this off, because I feel like if he knows we are, and I'm right about him hoping we aren't together, then I could see him refusing this idea or at least slow it down significantly.
"That doesn't matter Steve" I say and look at Steve with a telling look, and I turn to Bruce. "We are, sorry" I say. I can't deal with possible tension between my big green ex and my jealous...dare I say fiancé.

After an...interesting meal that seemed like a brunch at two in the afternoon, we get Bruce on board, and I feel relieved. I feel hopeful.

"Alright, well, I'll be at the compound in a week or so with a bit of research. Is it the whole team or?" Bruce asks, as we're saying goodbye in the parking lot.
"Not exactly, but it'll work, thank you Bruce" Steve says, but he still seems a little tense.
"See you then" I nod as goodbye.
"Bye Hulk!" Scott says with a big smile, seemingly pretty amazed by Bruce.
I'm actually pretty proud of him too. He's made The Hulk seem less like a monster, and more like a smart, giant, green man.

"That's good, that we got him..." Steve says with gritted teeth when we drive out of the parking lot.
"You don't seem like you mean that, Captain" Scott says from the backseat. "I gotta say, I understand if you're intimidated. I am...he's really cool, I mean he's no Captain America, but he's cool...But I'm also a little upset that those kids wanted a picture with him and not me" Scott rambles on.
"I don't want Bruce living with us. You are mine Natasha!" Steve says suddenly, his knuckles going white from holding on so tight to the wheel.
"Oh jealousy! Interesting..." Scott says and leans forward, his look shifting from me to Steve.



I don't want Bruce to come live at the compound.
Natasha is mine, and she is not going to be around him any more than she needs to.
He still wants her. I know he does. Natasha isn't someone you can get over. I've learned that.

Natasha is staring at me in disbelief.
"I cannot believe, that you are that insecure. Why Steve? Why do you still doubt our relationship?" She asks, and I can hear she's annoyed.
"Because you are the perfect woman, and I can't seem to believe that he won't try to win you back. I'm not letting him" I say, and shake my head to prove my point.
"Okay, Steve. I'm far from perfect, and even if he wanted me back, do you seriously think I'd go back to him?" She asks.
"He's smart, he's nice. He's got everythi-.."
"He's green!" Scott adds, and both Nat and I look at him.
"Sorry, I thought we were listing things. My mistake" Scott says and leans back in his seat as we make the last turn towards the front gate to the compound.
"Scott does have a point. He is very green" Natasha says.
No one in the car says anything, but I can almost hear Scott fighting the urge to speak.

"I'm sorry, Love. It's just...I'm still...scared of losing you. To anyone" I admit when we've entered the facility and I park the car in the garage.
"Steve..." she begins but she stops and looks at Scott who's still in the backseat even though the car is parked.
"Right! Im ruining the moment aren't I? I'm gonna go inside and make some tea" he says and quickly gets out of the car.

"Steve...I have agreed to marry you. I think a lot has to happen in order for you to even have a reason to be jealous" she says as we head towards the entrance from the garage.
"I know, My Love, but it's just so hard to believe that someone perfect won't just come along and sweep you off your feet" I say.
"I've stood my ground for many years, but I have been swept off my feet" she says, and I get furious.
"By who? Bruce? Don't tell me it's Bruce, I will kill him!" I yell.
"It's you, you oblivious idiot!" She laughs.
"I just love you so damn much" I say and I grab her waist, slamming my lips on hers, claiming what is mine.
"I...love...you...too" she says in between pecking my lips.

"So what are we doing until your ex, who I now know you won't go back to, comes here?" I ask as we hand in hand find our way to one of the kitchens where the smell of tea and heated cookies fill our noses.
"We talk to our people on the channel, get them on board, we work out, and we watch Disney movies at night" she says.
"Disney movies? Since when do you like Disney movies?" I ask.
"Since you left me alone for two months and I was depressed" she says.
"Disney movies? Awesome! Cassie used to love those" Scott shouts when he hears our conversation.
"Disney movies will be our reward after long days of work. Scott, on Natasha Romanoff's orders we're trying to get a team on their feet, and we are working hard, because we are at war. As she said so wisely last night...we're in the Endgame" I say, and I look at Natasha and plant a soft kiss in her hair.

If this works...and we get to the battle...then this really is that. The Endgame.

I have a big essay due Friday. I need to write 2500 words, and I've written...200... so I'm not sure I'll be able to update tomorrow. Sorry!
But essays are just so boring...
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

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