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Natasha sits up. She pats the bandage around her stomach back in place before she looks around. She's a little groggy from the local anesthetic she got while Agent Hill removed the bullet just before she fell asleep, exhausted from tensing up her body after she was shot.
Steve, that's been sitting close to her, keeping an eye on her the entire time stands up and rushes to her side.
"How are you feeling?" He asks concerned and take her hand.
"I'm fine, thanks" she says and pull her hand away to avoid any suspicion from Agent Hill that's standing in the corner of the room.



"Are you sure you're fine?" I ask Natasha.
"Yes Steve, I'm fine" she says and jumps off the table, but she grits her teeth as she lands on the floor of the Quinjet.
"Sit down again" I say and lift her back onto the table. "What do you need?" I ask.
She gags. "A trash can" she says and put a hand on her stomach and one to her mouth.
I hurry to the corner but Agent Hill is faster and runs towards Natasha with a trash can.

As soon as Natasha has the trash can in reach she throws up. I put my hand on her back and run it up and down as she keeps going.
Agent Hill is looking at the monitor connected to Natasha, and taking notes, and I look at her worried.
She shrugs. "I don't know" she mouths.

After another two or three long vomit sessions Natasha sits up straight again and groans.
"Are you okay?" I ask again.
"I'm fine Steve, I'm just nauseous" she says and wipes her mouth with a handkerchief Agent Carter that's now also joined the party, hands her.
"Do you want me to get you a bottle of water?" I ask, trying to find at least something to help with.
She nods. "Yes please".

I get a bottle of water from the mini fridge and hands it to her.
"Thanks" she says and takes a sip. "So, when are we back in the US?" She asks when the bottle has left her soft lips.
"In about three hours, and then the two of you and Sharon and I have to go to the Avengers tower. We're invited for Christmas and New Years" Agent Hill says.
"Why? Did Stark invite us?" I ask. I know Tony likes to party, but he doesn't strike me as the type of guy that would invite people to spend the holidays with him.
"Yes, Stark invited us. I think it was Miss Potts' idea though, but they're taking a break if I'm correct, so I don't know why he's still throwing it, but it's happening" Agent Hill shrugs and goes to the front of the small jet.
"Does he even know who you and I are Maria?" Agent Carter asks and follows her.
"I'm not sure, but I don't think he really cares who comes anyways" she says and sits down and gets ready for takeoff.
"But weren't we supposed to be at the compound? Don't we have a mission with the new Avengers?" Natasha asks.
"After New Years" I say.
"So I have to spend my weeks off with all these people?" Natasha asks me and raises her eyebrow.
"Yes it's gonna be a good Christmas with all those people" I say with a smile.
"I don't celebrate Christmas" she says and puts the bottle to her lips again.
"Why not?" I ask.
"I don't care about it, I've never had anything to celebrate" she shrugs.
"New Years then?" I ask hopeful. It would be a shame if she didn't celebrate either.
"Only for the alcohol" she says.
"Oh come on..." I say and sit down and start telling her about why Christmas is so amazing.



Five and a half hours later we're settled in the Avengers tower. Finally after hearing Steve's endless talk about Christmas, and a long mission recap at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just as I put my last leather jacket in my closet Wanda bursts into my room.
"Heard of knocking?" I ask a bit annoyed. I don't like it when people violates my privacy.
"Sorry, I just missed you!" She says and hugs me tightly.
I didn't like her in the beginning after what she did to me in Sokovia, but after Steve and I trained her and the others she kinda grew on me.
"Not so tight" I say and feel the pain in my belly, and another wave of vomit on it's way.

I get out of the hug and run to the adjoining bathroom to my room.
I just manage to get on my knees before I throw up like a faucet.
Wanda comes running and grab my hair to hold it back.
"Oh my, are you okay?" She asks.
"I'm fine" I say, something that I've found myself telling people a lot today.
I get up and put my mouth under the faucet and let the water clean my face and my throat.
I wipe my face in a towel before I look at Wanda.

"Do you know if Bruce is here?" I ask her as we exit the bathroom. I just want to make sure he's okay.
"He isn't, no one knows where he is" she says.
"Why do you care?" She asks with a smirk. I don't think she knows the whole story.
"I kissed him twice Wanda, that's not why I care. I just want to know if he's okay, let's go downstairs" I say.

"Don't you dare read my mind to find out more!" I say and grab onto her wrists just as she's about to do so while we exit my room.
I've learned when to catch her. I don't want her snooping around in my brain. She did that once and that was more than enough.
"Sorry" she says and shrugs innocently.

As we walk to the elevator I feel like throwing up again. Why do I have to throw up all the time?
I run towards a potted plant against the wall in the hallway and throw up into it.
Wanda rushes to me.
"Are you pregnant!?" She asks loudly.
"No" I croak from the floor. "I can't get pregnant" I say and try to hide the pain in my voice as stand up.
"Oh" Wanda mumbles and we walk to the elevator in silence.

I can't be pregnant. Right? I mean if anybody could get me pregnant it would be Steve with that serum of his. And it's not like we used protection. But no. It's not possible. Maybe I should take a test. That won't kill me. But how would it even work? My tubes are tied.
I'm not a doctor, I don't know, maybe?
I'm gonna go buy a test first thing tomorrow. I have to.

We leave the elevator in silence, and I'm still deep in my thoughts. Could I be? The thought scares me. What if I am? No I can't get my hopes up.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن