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"Why don't we ever sleep like that, Clint?" A voice says, waking me up suddenly, on top of Steve, with our fingers intertwined and our heads real close.

I quickly pick up my knife from the nightstand and points it towards the woman in my bedroom.

I can hear her stumble back, and another person stopping her by holding onto her back.
"Natasha, relax. It's just Laura, the kids and I" Clint says calmly and takes the knife away from me.

I rub my eyes and kiss Steve's cheek before I get out of the bed.
"I'm really sorry Laura, I was just sleeping so well" I yawn and hug both her and Clint before I look at Steve.
He's sleeping with his mouth open and snoring, looking really cute.
"I could see that" she smirks and looks at me in a way only she can master, and the way she has always looked at me when she's entertained by me.
"Don't give me that look. Clint must've told you that we were together" I say and gesture to Steve.
"He did. But I didn't believe him" she chuckles.
"Well, now you've seen it. Where are the kids?" I ask with a smile. I really miss them.
"The living room" Clint says.
"With Yelena?" I ask as I put on Steve's hoodie.
"No she's not here, we used my key" Clint answers.
"Really..? Huh...she'll be back. Why are you here?" I ask and leave the bedroom followed by Clint and Laura.
"It'd just been a long time" Laura says.

"Auntie Nat!" Lila shouts, interrupting Laura, and runs towards me when I'm in the living room.
I hold out my arms and she runs into them, and I hug her tightly.
"I've missed you princess" I smile and kiss her cheek.
"I missed you more" she says.
"No you didn't, I missed you most" I say and start tickling her so she squeals and laughs.

"Where are your brothers?" I ask her when I've stopped tickling her.
"Cooper is in the bathroom and Nate is on the table" she says and points in two directions.
"Nate...what? On the table? What is he doing there?" I ask as she pulls me towards the table.
"We were playing" she says, smiling.
"Still, you don't put your brother on the table, right honey?" Clint says from behind me.
"No, sorry daddy" she says and looks down.

"How's my little boy?" I smile at the two year old on the table.
"I am big boy, three years soon" he frowns and shows me three fingers as I pick him up.
"That's right. I don't know why I said little" I smile and kiss his little forehead.
He wraps his little arms around my neck and hugs me.

"Hey auntie Nat!" Cooper says, and I turn around.
"Hey Coop. Come here!" I smile and hug him.
"I want to hug auntie Nat too!" Lila exclaims and runs towards us into the group hug.
I love these kids.

"What's going on?" Steve asks disoriented from the bedroom door.
"Hey Captain" Clint says with a smile. Clint is always so happy when he's with his family, and that means everything to me.
"Clint! What are you doing here? And Mrs. Barton? I'm sorry, I didn't expect company. I'm just going to grab a shirt" he says.
"Do you need a shirt?" I smirk and gaze at his muscles.
We haven't fucked in a long time, and I'm starting to get horny as fuck.
"Natasha! There are kids present!" Clint exclaims.

All the kids look at me.
"Why can't he have a shirt? Won't he be cold without a shirt?" Lila asks innocently.
"That's not what she meant, Lila" Cooper says amused.
"Then what did she mean?" She asks.
"That sh-..." he begins but I interrupt.
"That's not important, let's eat some lunch" I smile embarrassed. I forgot Cooper wasn't a dumb kid anymore.

"You handled that well" Clint whispers jokingly as we all go to the kitchen.
"Shut up" I say and push him.



I admire Nat as she helps Nathaniel make a sandwich, while talking to Cooper about a new hobby of his.
She's just amazing.

"My Love?" I ask, when all three kids are benched by the counter or on it.
"Hm?" She answers and comes towards me.
"Are you excited for when it's our kid?" I whisper and kiss her.
"So excited. Look at them" she says and leans against me, as we both admire the Bartons laughing and eating sandwiches.

I wrap my arms around her from behind.
She puts her hands on top of mine and I rest my chin on her head.
"I can't wait" I say and chuckle a little when Lila drops her sandwich in Clint's head as he's picking up Nathaniel's from the floor so his hair is filled with mayonnaise.
"Me neither" she smiles.
"You need some food too for our baby" I say and circle my hand around on her belly.
"If it's alive. We have a doctors appointment in two days" she says.
"Already?" I ask. I don't know much about pregnancy but isn't a doctors appointment at five weeks early?
"It's high risk, I got one as early as possible" she says.
"That's a good idea" I say and spin her around so she's facing me.
"I love you so very much" I smile and kiss her soft lips.
"Ew! Ew! Auntie Nat what are you doing?" Lila suddenly exclaims next to us, interrupting our kiss.
We both look down, and she's looking at me angrily.
"I'm gonna go grab a sandwich, we're going to continue this later" Nat whispers and run her fingers through my hair before she smirks at me and leaves me, with a little girl staring at me.

"Why were you kissing my auntie Nat?" Lila frowns.
"Because she's my girlfriend" I tell her.
"Auntie Nat is your girlfriend?" She asks startled.
"Yes she is" I nod.
"Do you love her?" She asks.
"I do. I love her very very much" I say.
"Are you married?" She asks, and that makes me uncomfortable.
"No...we're...we're not married" I answer.
"Do you want to marry her?" She asks, and something about her direct questions calms me down.
"Yes. I really want to marry her" I say quietly, so Nat won't hear it, but she's busy talking to Laura anyways.
"Then why do you sound sad?" Lila asks
"Because I don't know if she wants to marry me" I admit.
"Come with me" Lila says and grabs my big hand with her little one.

She pulls me into the living room where we can't be heard.
"I think auntie Nat wants to marry you, but I once heard her and daddy talking about how scared she sometimes is. And I don't understand that, because auntie Nat is the coolest auntie ever" she smiles.
"So you think auntie Nat wants to marry me?" I ask with a smile.
"Yes. But at the same time no" she says and then she just goes back towards the kitchen with a her teddy in her hand.
"You took me in here to say that?" I ask her and she turns back around.
"No I just needed my teddy that I got from auntie Nat" she shrugs and goes into the kitchen.

"So what am I supposed to do? Should I propose to her?" I mutter to myself.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now