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I really apologize if this is bad. I've been to school for two days and I'm already dying.
Writing this story is one of the only things keeping me going, but I don't have much time to do so, but I'll do my best to write interesting chapters.
Please enjoy this!


We've been back home for three days now, and it's been so good to go to sleep and wake up with Nat in my arms again.
I have been extremely careful with everything I do, and I think it's started to annoy her, but I'm just so worried. Worried that someone will hurt her like that again.

We're sitting in the living room. All three of us. Yelena in the window seat and Nat and I on the couch. The rain is pouring outside, like it's done for weeks.
I pull her closer because of my repeated mind wandering to the assault, and to keep her warm.
She looks up from her book about chemistry.
"You're curling the pages" she frowns and looks at me. I absolutely adore her.
"Sorry Love" I smile.
"It's okay, it's fucking boring and I don't understand much" she says and closes the book dramatically.
"Do you understand enough to figure out more?" I ask her. Otherwise I will not let this mission happen.
"I don't know. Yelena are you good at chemistry?" She asks, and Yelena looks up.
"I know enough I think" she shrugs and Natasha throw her the book.

"This is some bullshit" Yelena says after 45 minutes and drops the book on the floor.
"So neither of you understands it?" I ask, and I start to regret that I agreed to this so fast, because I sure don't understand chemistry either, and it seems to be a big part of this mission.
"Then maybe we shouldn't do it" I mumble into Nat's hair.

Natasha moves her head and looks at me.
"Steven? Can I talk to you in the bedroom?" She asks in a demanding tone.
I nod in answer and help her up from the couch.



I sit down on the bed and look at Steve. Everything is telling me that he doesn't want to do this mission, he literally said so himself.

"Why shouldn't we do this?" I ask him.
He's standing with his arms crossed, leaning against the door.
"Because this woman is smarter than the three of us combined" he reasons.
"She is better at chemistry than us, yes. But I don't think she's that much smarter" I say.
We need to do this. All I can think about is what she can do to others, and I need to make sure that it doesn't happen.
"Love, you're rushing into this. She did something terrible to you, and you didn't have a chance of fighting back. And that's unusual, because you somehow always finds strength to fight back" he says and comes a little closer.
"She took me off guard. I was distracted by so much that night" I say, and for a second he looks away, because we haven't talked about what he asked me.
"You're never taken off guard" he says, getting back on track.
"Sometimes I am. She was trained the exact same way as me, and Widows have a way of taking each other off guard. It's a matter of who gets the benefit. She did that night" I say, and the episode plays for my eyes.
There's silence for a while. It's like we haven't really found our way back to before this.

"I can't lose you again" Steve breaks the silence, and looks down.
"You won't, Steve. We'll do this together. The two of us, and Yelena. When haven't our missions been completed?" I ask him.
"I'm not talking about the completion of the mission" he says and turns away from me.
"Then...what are you saying?" I ask him hesitantly.
"What if, when you see her, it'll be a wake up call...that you'd rather only focus on missions again...and I'll lose you...again" he says.
"Wake up call? Focus only on missions? No. Steve I'm happier than I've ever been. This is purely a mission to make sure that something like what happened to me - maybe even something worse - doesn't happen to anyone else" I say. I knew he didn't like this mission, but I didn't know this was why.
"My Love, are you sure that I won't lose you?" He asks and looks at me.

I stand up, and put my hands on his cheeks.
"Yes I am sure. I love you so fucking much" I say, emphasizing every word.
His face lights up.
"Really? You love me that much?" He asks with a smile.
"Baby, I love you so much that it hurts" I say and kiss him.
"I love you more than anything" he says and puts his hands around my waist and kiss me harder.

"I think I have figu...ew!" Yelena interrupts our kiss, and we both look at her.
She has the chemistry book in her hand.
"I figured something out..." she says.

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