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Two weeks. It's been two weeks, and I've only just located her.
What is happening to me? Usually I can locate targets in less than two days.

I find myself in a Chinese city. Not too big, but still almost impossible to find her.

I've had Chinese S.H.I.E.L.D associates tracking her on Fury's order after I found out where she was, and it was here. Just have to figure out where exactly.

I walk down the street with a hood covering my face.
I feel nauseous and I have a headache, but I need to stay focused.
She's taller than most Chinese people, so it shouldn't be that hard.

My earpiece cackles. I've been on comms with the Chinese S.H.I.E.L.D division for three days. They're good, but not as good as the American division.
America...where I've left my boyfriend and my sister to die.
I curse at myself internally, as a voice finally gets through.

"Agent Romanoff, we have eyes on the target. Sending coordinates now. Over" the Chinese agent I've been talking to constantly, says over the comm.
"Thank you Agent" I say when I've received the coordinates.

I mutter them to myself and look up, I need to go east.
I turn right down an extremely narrow alley and keep staring at the coordinates. My eyes blur, and I get extremely hungry all sudden.
"Food later" I mumble and start running.

I end outside a rundown building, that still looks like it has residents though.

I get the lock up without a problem and with silent steps walk around the small entrance.
"Do you have any idea what floor she's on?" I whisper.
"Fifth" the agent replies and disconnects.
I look for an elevator, but to my disappointment there isn't one.
"Five flights of stairs with bad nausea? Good luck to me" I mumble to myself in Russian and start climbing the stairs.

There's only three apartments on the fifth floor.
I exclude two apartments within 10 minutes, after checking the mail on the mat outside one door and eavesdropping by the other. There were two voices. Both Chinese, both male.

I slide a voice tracking device under the third door, and listen for it until it hits the wall I knew was close to the door according to the shadows from under it.

At first there's nothing.
But then I hear a voice, that I recognize as hers immediately.
She's muttering something in Russian.

"Test drug on neighbors. Kill neighbors. Find Natalia Alianovna Romanova. KILL HER" I hear, and that's my cue.

I pick the lock and open the door with my gun raised.
She looks up as soon as I'm inside the tiny apartment.

"You!" She says disgusted, but mostly surprised.
"How'd you find me?" She asks confused.
"We were trained at the same facility, I too know some stuff" I say, and in a second I'm pinning her to the floor, holding a gun to her head.

She gets me off of her and starts punching after me, but I dodge every one of her punches.
"Haven't gotten much training lately, huh?" I ask her with a smirk.
She screams and picks up a plate from the table that she throws at me.
It breaks into a million pieces when it hits my head, and I stumble a few steps backwards until I get control over myself.

I aim my gun at her again and she stops.
"I don't want to kill you, but I will if I have to" I say calmly.
She runs towards me and tries to disarm me, but I manage to grab her arms and push her into the wall with a loud thud before she even touches me.

She groans against the wall, and I can feel her trying to get out of my grip without luck.

As I reach for my gun again she finally disarms me, and she has the gun.
"To your knees" she demands.
I refuse and she takes out a knife as well.
"Ooh I'm so scared now" I say flatly. She can slice me or stab me, or shoot if she wants. I don't care.

"To your knees!" She demands again, loudly and takes a big step forward and slice my face, just across the nose, a pathetic, small shallow cut.
I inhale deeply and smile.
"You really always were second, weren't you?" I taunt her.
She screams in anger and tries to stab me, but I easily disarm her.
"How can you possibly have been trained in the Red Room?" I ask her with a grin.
Tears start streaming down her cheeks and she pulls the trigger, the same time I pick up a heavy potted plant and throw it at her.

The bullet hits the ceiling. The pot breaks on her face and she falls to the floor, covered in dirt.

"I have retrieved the fugitive" I say into my earpiece.
"Great. Bring her to the street and we will have her collected" my Agent says.

"You almost killed my sister, and you almost killed my boyfriend" I say to the unconscious woman on the floor, as I snatch the drugs that are on the table.
I pour everything out in the sink, and grab the form before I drag her out of the apartment, down the stairs, without even worrying about hurting her.



"Have you gotten any news? Do you know if she's okay!?" I ask the nurse. I've been bothering him with the same questions since Nat left.
"She's okay Captain Rogers, she's on her way back" he assures me.
"Was it successful?" I ask him.
"From what I've heard" he says and replaces my water.
"And she's not injured?" I ask worried.
"Might have some minor injuries, now relax" he says, and pushes me back to a lying position.
"I'm fine thanks. Help Miss Belova instead" I say and gesture to Yelena in the bed next to me.
She's still unconscious like Nat was, even though Yelena was in a better condition when she was brought in than Nat was.

Yelena needs to be okay. I may not know her very well yet, but she's important to Nat, so she's important to me.

I keep laying around, waiting for Nat to come back, but I have no idea where she is, and therefore no idea when she's going to be here.

I try to calculate how long it would take to come here from different parts of the world when I hear a mumbling next to me.

"Natasha?" Yelena asks with a trembling, very quiet voice next to me.
I jump up from my bed and hurry to her side.
"Natasha isn't here. Only me. Steve" I say and take her hand.
She buries her face in my t-shirt without a word, and starts crying.
"There, there" I say and pat her back, unsure about what I should do.
"It is just because...no I don't think I should tell you" she sobs.
"You don't have to...erh...but I'm here if you want to" I smile and hug her back.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now