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This is just after Natasha returns from Russia, and Steve and the others are still on the run. (Except Scott, he's in house arrest, and Bucky is in Wakanda)
So I imagine it takes place in the spring of 2017


I land the Quinjet Rick managed to get for me before I left Russia, in the hangar at the airport closest to where I've tracked down Steve.

It's a small airport, and maybe this jet will draw looks, but I doubt anyone's gonna take it.

I look at Google Maps on the phone I got just after I dealt with Ross.
According to it, I'm someplace in Wisconsin of all places.
Just as I'm about to turn off my phone, the screen lights up with a call.


I pick up without saying anything.
"Hey, are you back in USA yet?" Yelena's voice says.
"Yeah, why? Did you just want to check in on me, or do you need something" I ask, with a smile after hearing her voice again.
"I just bought this phone, and I've never had one before. It's really cool. Obviously not as cool as the vest..." she rambles on and as she mentions the vest I put my hand on top of the material that is her awesome vest. I'm wearing it over the hoodie I took from Steve before I left, and it's the best outfit I've ever worn.
"...can you help?" She asks hopeful after talking about something I didn't quite hear on my way to get a motorcycle from the small rental.
"What was it again?" I ask and she scoffs.
"Can you help me download the Skype so we can talk with picture?" She asks.
"Oh yeah sure" I say, and I help her out as I find the bike, gets on it and drives away to find the motel Steve should be at.

"Was that it? I can't wait to Skype with you" I say when it sounds like she got a handle on it.
"That was it. Thanks! I can't wait either" she says, and I can almost hear her smile.
"Say hi to Melina and Alexei from me, okay?" I say.
"I will. Bye poser" she giggles from the other end and hangs up.
I laugh a little to myself and speeds up.

I stop outside of a motel. I've seen better ones, but I've definitely seen worse too.

"Hello would you like to get a room?" A teenage boy asks flatly, looking like he's extremely bored.
"Can you tell me which room David Rushman is staying in?" I ask and lean over the counter.
He glances at me.
"You're hot, I'll tell you if you give me a bj" he says casually and leans back.
"Ew, do you want me to crack your skull? Cause I'll do it" I say angrily, and it seems to scare him a little.
"Chillax lady, wauw, women are mean" he says with a trembling voice.
"Then go gay, I don't care. Tell me what room David Rushman is in" I say impatient.
"17" he says nervously.
"Thank you" I answer and I leave the reception.



It knocks on the door and I stop with my push-ups.
"Go get it honey" Sharon says from the bed.
We've been together a few months. Since I broke the others out of prison.
It's fine, this relationship. I haven't really felt very much love for her, but I suppose it just takes a little longer.

I open the door to see who's there, and to my surprise I find Natasha standing on the doorstep, wearing my hoodie.
"Nat? What are you doing here?" I ask her.
"I could ask you the same thing, you can do better" she says and looks around in the tiny entrance.
"It's low profile" I say. Why is she here? And why does she look even more beautiful now that I have a girlfriend?
"Whatever, have you gotten the others out?" She asks and passes me so she's inside.

We're close up against each other in the small space between the door and the room and I don't know why I feel more excited now by being close to her, than I've ever felt kissing Sharon.

"Rogers?" She says and waves her hand in front of my face, forcing me to take my eyes off her newly blonde hair and her lips as she says my name.
"What? Yes I got them out" I say.
"Good. Where are they n-..." she asks but Sharon interrupts from the bedroom.
"Honey, who is it?" She shouts.
Natasha looks at me. "Who the fuck is that?" She asks.
"Sharon Carter" I mumble. I don't know why I feel embarrassed all of a sudden.

I swear she looks sad for a second before her face shifts to anger. "Why is she here?" She asks.
"We...erh...we're kind of a thing" I mumble.
"Huh...this should be fun" she smirks and bites her lip.
Oh my god. Why now? What is she doing? Why do I want her so badly right now? I have Sharon.



I pat Steve on the shoulder in hello, before I walk past him, making sure that my body touches his.
This is probably more for my own good, because my god how I've missed him, but also to play with his mind.

His hair has grown out, and he's grown a beard, and somehow he's even hotter than before I left.
I take a last look at him and smirk before I walk into the room to find none other than Sharon Carter.

She jumps up from the bed when she sees me.
"Romanoff? What are you doing here?" She asks and looks at me intimidated.
"Your boyfriend asked me the same. I'm on the run, just as your bearded lover boy. The question is, why are you here? I don't recall you doing anything that would require you to run" I say slowly, just to bother her.
She looks at Steve that's back in the room, as if she's searching for answers.
"I stole his and Wilson's gear back" she says proudly and points at Steve.
"Ooh, how wild" I say mockingly and plop down on the couch in the corner of the room.

Both Steve and Sharon are just staring at me when I lay down and open a bag of mini pretzels that was on the table, and eat two before I look at them.
"These are stale" I say and eat another one.
"Erh...you can't stay here" Sharon says slowly.
"Sure I can. You two can sleep in the bed, I'll just take the couch. Just don't be loud at night. If I want porn, I'll just go on pornhub" I say and finishes the bag of pretzels.
I don't know why I'm acting like this right now, but it feels right to make them both uncomfortable.
Should it become necessary I will totally give Sharon a visual explanation of her boyfriend's sex life with me. But only if it's needed.

I pick up a magazine and starts reading some old article when they haven't said anything for a while, just to not seem desperate for an answer.
"May...maybe Sharon is right" Steve begins.
"You too? It wouldn't be the first time you and I slept in the same room. At least I wouldn't be in the bed this time" I wink. "But if you're serious I'll just take the conjoined room" I shrug and look at the door that looks like it goes to the next room.
"Ehm...that's Sam's room" Steve says.
"Then I'll bunk with Sam" I say and open the door.

When I'm inside the next room, I take deep breaths to hold in tears. Why have I become such a sprinkler? And more importantly why is he with fucking Sharon?

"Natasha?" Sam asks confused from the bed.
"Oh hey Sam, mind if I bunk with you?" I ask.
"Not at all, when did you arrive?" He asks and makes room for me on the bed.
"Just now" I say and sit down feeling empty.

My mood lightens when I hear Sharon yell at Steve how she want an explanation on why he and I were sleeping in the same bed.
I chuckle to myself before I lay down in the bed, and just enjoy their fight that I can hear through the walls.
"What did you say to them?" Sam laughs after a while of listening.
"Something casual about how if I slept in their room at least it wouldn't be in the same bed as Steve again. I think Sharon's angry now" I giggle.
"Nice said" Sam says and leans back as well, and we just sit in silence and listens.

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