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I'm faster than her as I punch her to the ground and run towards the porch.

"Yelena!" I scream and put my hands on her shoulders.
I keep shaking her and screaming her name until she exhales loudly, and a bit of color returns to her face.
"Thank god!" I say and pull her close to me.
She returns the hug weakly.
"That was uncomfortable" she says.
"I know, I know. Come on we have to stop her" I say and pull her up standing.

I look over my shoulder, and not to my surprise the bitch isn't in the driveway anymore.

Yelena groans in pain as we both raise our guns and step into the house, aiming in different directions.

"Over here, I hear a voice" Yelena whispers after a while.
She opens the door, and we walk into an empty room with a turned on computer.
"That's what you heard" I say and point at the screen with a voice recording playing.
"Oh" she mutters.
"Listen" I say and we both shut up and listen to the cackling voice record that sounds like it was recorded in a rush.

"You have messed up again Natalia. You see, the world is better when you're alone.
Your sister and boyfriend will die within a day.
I was always better" her voice sounds, and the recording ends with an evil laugh.

Yelena and I look at each other.
"Die? But I'm feeling fine, just cold" she says.
"We need to find Steve and get you somewhere" I say fast and raise my gun again.

"Natasha..." Yelena says quietly when we meet in the living room again after searching the entire house, and I know something is wrong.
"What is it?" I ask and catch her when she starts swaying, and almost passes out in my arms.
"I feel very bad" she says with a blurry voice.
"You need to come with me. If she's still somewhere I can't have you defenseless in the car" I say and put her arm around my shoulder.

She mumbles in pain as I keep dragging her around the grounds. I don't get what she's saying, and I get that she's in pain, but I need to find Steve.

After what feels like forever I find him in a barn leaning against some hay.
His face is all bloody, but he's conscious.
"Baby! Oh my god! What did she do to you?" I ask and hurry towards him, as fast as possible despite Yelena.
"She drugged me. My serum took most of it I think, but I couldn't fight as usually" he says and points at his face with a little smile.
I kiss his cheek, thankful that he's alive.
"We need to go" I say and help him up.
"Is she okay?" He asks concerned and gestures to Yelena whilst wiping some blood off his face.
"She got drugged too, she was all pale" I say and he helps me getting Yelena out of the barn. 

"Where is the woman now?" He asks as we get in the car.
"Long gone. Rest baby, I think this drug is harder on you than you think it is" I say.
"How were we not more prepared?" He asks, ignoring my demand.
"I was being stupid" is all I say. I don't even look at him. This was my fault. I really have gotten weaker after falling in love.

When we hit the highway, both Yelena and Steve are asleep, maybe even dead.
I speed up. I can't lose either one of them.

I pick up my phone, I know I'm going to regret this, but he's the only person who'd know what to do, except for Bruce, but I have no clue where he is.

"Tony!" I say loudly when he picks up.
"I have nothing to say to you anymore, Romanoff" is all he says.
"No! Tony please, something happened to Steve and my sister, and you're my best shot" I beg.
"Why doesn't it surprise me that you're with Rogers?" He asks flatly.
"Stark!" I almost shout, but he hangs up.

"Did you call Stark?" Steve asks quietly next to me.



I can't believe her. Tony? Does she think him and I are best friends?

"He's the only one who can..." She starts.
"No! You...I can't believe you" I say angrily.
"Steve, I'm trying to save you!" She reasons.
"Stark hates me, and I don't think he even cares that something happened to me" I say. I know he's angry, and I don't blame him, but I was right, and I don't want to see him because he made me feel guilty about being right, even made me a fugitive because of it.
"No buts, Natasha. I don't need to be saved by him. I don't want to be saved by him" I say and turn away from her. I can't even look at her right now.

"Steve!" She says, trying to get my attention, but I keep looking away.
"Steve! Whether or not the serum saved you, you're injured, and we don't know what the drug will do to you. And Yelena is dying. So take that fucking pride and hate and stuff it up your ass! Did it occur to you that I might be doing something for Yelena this time? You're not the only one in my life!" She says loudly and turns away too.

"I'm taking you to S.H.I.E.L.D" she says after a while in silence, and turns the car around.



I'm walking fast down the hall of the S.H.I.E.L.D base that was closest to where we were. I'm walking away from Steve and Yelena.

This is my fault. What happened to them was my fault, and I need to make it right.
I need to find her, but I had to drop off the people that I've nearly killed first.

"Agent Romanoff" a well known voice says from behind me.
I turn around to see Nick Fury coming in from the helipad.
"Fury" I greet him with a nod, wondering why he's here.
"I heard what happened to Captain Rogers, and your sister apparently" he says and folds his hands on his back.
"Yes that's on me" I say and turn back around to walk away from him.
"Agent Romanoff!" He says in a more demanding tone.
"I need to make this right" I say.
"You are lucky that you're even alive, don't be stupid now" he says.
"I've come to realize that I'm always stupid. Good day sir" I say and keep walking.

"Natasha!" He yells after me, and I know I need to stop. He rarely calls me by my first name.
"You can't do this on your own. You're not yourself. Something that may be a side effect of the drug you were exposed to, we don't know" he says and stops right in front of me.
"I think I'm fully aware of myself, thank you sir" I say and turn around once again.
He grabs my arm. "Don't be stubborn, Agent" he says harshly.

I look at him. I'm not sure he knows this, but he's been a father figure to me for years now, and just the look in his eyes makes me calm down.

I fight tears, and the need to just bury my head in his shoulder and cry my eyes out. I may have just killed my boyfriend and my sister.
"I did this, sir. They were exposed to this because I left her behind years ago" I say, and my voice is surprisingly steady.
"They're alive thanks to you too" he says.
"But for how long? I need to stop her, sir" I say.
"She needs to be stopped, yes. But can you do it yourself?" He asks calmly. I hate when he asks me questions like that.
"I need to. I can't let this happen to any more people" I say.
"Remember what happened the last time you faced her alone?" He asks. Of course he knows that, he's Fury.
"This time I'm prepared" I say convinced.
"I'll have a backup team ready. I believe in you, Natasha" he says, pats my shoulder and walks back towards the door to the helipad.

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