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Christmas turned into New Years, and now, here we are. The end of January.

We said goodbye to Yelena a week ago, and that was probably good, because she acted a little weird around Natasha, always glancing at her belly - which by the way have grown! And she also avoided looking into either one of our eyes most times.

But despite her strange behavior, Natasha still misses her, and frankly I do too.

I actually really lik-...

"Steve!" Natasha shouts from the kitchen, and I get out of bed in a jump.
"What is it, My Love?" I ask and grab her waist, pulling her closer when I'm in the kitchen.
"Yelena left a weird message" she says and shows me her phone.

Call me as soon as possible. It is very important
It says.

"Why is that a weird message?" I ask confused.
"Because...well...I don't know, but what if something's happened to her? Or she nee-.." Natasha says fast, and I kiss her to shut her up.
"You need to stop worrying, Love. Don't stress about it until you've called her, and found out what it is" I smile, and cup her face.
"You're right. She's fine. It's just weird to have lived with her for a couple of months, and then suddenly not living with her" she says and finds Yelena's number.

"Hey guys!" Yelena waves as the call connects.
"Hey Yelena" we greet her in unison.
"What is it? What was so important?" Natasha asks concerned.
"This" she says and holds out what I think is a baby monitor.
"What's that?" I ask, because I'm not entirely sure.
"A thingy to monitor a baby" she smiles proudly.
"Why do you have a baby monitor?" Natasha asks with confused, furrowed eyebrows. 
"The lady in the store said it was one of the most important things when you have a baby" she explains.
"But...Yelena, you're not having a baby" Natasha says confused.
"No I know, but I wanted to show you, that maybe it's okay that I'm going to be an aunt" she says, and smiles.
I can't help but genuinely feel so happy that Yelena isn't mad about the baby, because it's been killing Nat.
"So? Wait...you're fine with the baby?" Natasha asks with a little smile.
"I wouldn't say fine...when I meet it, I'll probably accidentally punch it or something, but I'll try and be good" she says.
"Yes because you can't punch our baby!" I shout worried. It would be something she'd do.
"I will try not to" she laughs, and then looks at Natasha. "Have you gotten fat yet?" She asks.
"No, it hasn't changed much since you left" Natasha replies.
"You need to show me as soon as you get very fat" Yelena says excitedly.
"I will" Natasha chuckles.
"Good. Because I want to see my...wait...is it a boy or a girl?" She asks.
"We don't know yet" I say and put a hand on Nat's belly.
"No, not yet , but we'll know in the next three weeks or so" Natasha says.
"Well, remember to call me when you find out. I gotta go!" She says and, and we just manage to hear her yell something in Russian to someone before the call ends.



It's already been almost four weeks since we talked to Yelena, and she told us she was okay with the baby, and that made me so excited, and today's the day we find out the gender...fuck.

"What do we wanna call it?" I ask Steve as I put on my clothes.
He's admiring me from the bed, and he isn't answering.
"Steven?" I say and snap my fingers in front of his face.
"Yes? Names for the baby...right. What do you think?" He asks and looks at me.
"I don't know" I shrug. I've been thinking about names, but I haven't really found one I like for neither a boy nor a girl.
But I mean...it's fine, there's still a lot of time.

"I like Linda for a girl" he says after a while.
I try to stifle a laugh. Linda's not a bad name, but it's 2018...
"It's 2018" I answer. If I have a daughter I refuse to name her Linda.
"Right...maybe Linda's not so good" he chuckles.
"We could name it after someone" I suggest.
"Like who?" He asks and looks straight ahead like he's thinking.
"I don't know. Someone we care about" I say.
"Peggy?" He asks, and I can't help but laugh. Is he serious?
"No. No way, I'm not naming my child after someone you've been in love with" I say.
"I get that, but then I don't really have a suggestion..." he says and looks down.

"What's Bucky's real name?" I suddenly ask. Bucky can't really have been something you'd actually name your children in the 1910's, and I know Steve loves him, and I don't think I have anyone I love in a way that makes me want to name my child after them.
"James Buchanan Barnes" he says, and smiles.
"James..." I mutter to myself and go sit down on the bed.
"James..." I repeat a couple of times.
"Why?" He asks and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I like James, I think it's a nice name" I say and look at him.
"Wait? So you want to name our child James if it's a boy?" He asks with a big smile.
"Yeah...it's a nice name isn't it? And you love Bucky, and he seems like a nice guy, when he isn't trying to kill us at least" I chuckle.
"So if we have a son, we'll name him James?" He asks excitedly.
"Yeah, won't we?" I ask, and he pulls me in for a hug.
"We will" he says into my shoulder.

We finish getting ready for the doctors appointment, and the name suggestions for a girl keeps going as we find our way to the doctors office.

After a good twenty minutes at the doctors, of hearing the good news that the child is good, we finally get to the gender part.

"It's now we'll find out if it's a little James or a little girl" Steve whispers and takes my hand.
I nod in response and look at the screen.
"Look here" the doctor says and points.
Both Steve and I move closer.
"Congratulations, you're having a little boy" she smiles.
"A boy" I sigh. I can't wait. Now that I know I'm having a little boy, it all seems that much more real.
"Little James" Steve says and sits down next to me.

After thanking the doctor we leave the doctors office with loud excitement and pure happiness. This couldn't be better.

"We have to call Yelena!" I exclaim.
"Yes! Call her now! Call her!" Steve says excitedly.

"Hello sister, and man who has made my sister fertile" Yelena giggles as she picks up.
"Hi Yelena, we know the gender now!" I blurt, and Steve nods happily.
She opens her mouth in excitement. "Tell me!" She screams.
"It's a boy. It's your little nephew James" I smile and lower the camera to my belly.
"Hello James. This is your aunt Yelena. I will hurt you if you're mean to me or your parents, because they are nice" she threatens.
"Don't threaten our son" Steve frowns playfully.
"Well, he must know that I only accept him because I like his parents" she reasons.
"I'm sure you two are gonna love each other" I smile, and I picture my sister and my son playing and laughing in the backyard of Clint's farmhouse with his cousins. Oh god! I need to tell Clint it's a boy too! I almost forgot!

When we've hung up Steve and I look at each other.
"We're having a son. That feels good to say" Steve says and wraps his arms around me.
"Our little James Rogers" I smile and cuddle my head against his chest.

I will do a big time skip in the next chapter, because I feel like I'm writing something almost identical in the chapters (at least I feel like we're not really going anywhere rn, and I wanna keep it interesting for u to read), but we need a bit change of storyline anyways.

I honestly can't wait to keep writing this story, and I hope at least some of you are excited to read more.
Thank you for all the support so far, and 25k reads? I honestly can't believe it! I'm so grateful, so thank you all so much!



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