Chapter 75

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Warning: Mature Content

(Buck nastyyyy y'all)


"My bed!" I cried out dramatically and ran until I reached the bed's end, raised my arms horizontally and threw myself down on the bed, my face landing directly on the pillow.

"So tired, huh?" Bucky chuckled while walking into the room a few moments after me, closing the door behind us.

"To be honest ... " I rolled over on my back and narrowed my eyebrows. "... surprisingly I don't actually think I am...?"

"Oh really? Then we should've danced more." Bucky said and sat down on the edge of the bed, carefully starting to unstrap the strap around my ankle to take off my shoe.

I threw my head to the side, leaning it down on my shoulder so I could see Bucky more clearly. "You're the best. Did you know that?"

"If you say so." he responded with a delightful smirk before taking off my second shoe.

"Oh god yeah that's what I needed!" I groaned in satisfaction. Bucky stood up from the bed and looked at me, raised one of his eyebrows clearly a little bit confused while taking off his tuxedo.

"Those shoes were killing me! They are a size too small because when I went to buy them Pepper made me try tons of freaking same looking ones and then I saw those and loved them ... so I tried them on but they were too small, yeah? Soo what I did was telling her that they are perfect just so we could finally leave the store ... now I kinda regret my decision." I babbled and groaned once again but this time it was because of the pain that started kicking into my feet as I wiggled my finally free toes.

"Why didn't you change your shoes at least before the party?" Bucky questioned while leaning his back against the wall, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, his eyes focused on me.

"Because I wanted to look pretty." I mumbled like a little kid as my fingers started playing with the waistband of my dress.

"Oh please ... you could be wearing a trash bag and still be the most beautiful girl of all time. And I've been alive for a long time so ... I can confirm it." he gave me a quick smile before walking over to the CD player/radio on the dresser, as always taking some time to figure out how it works.

"You said this just because you don't wanna sleep on the couch." I teased him while observing how he was trying really hard to remember how this hightech CD player works.

"What do you mean? I tell you how beautiful you are practically everyday and not just once." he responded a little bit distracted, however, his 'yes gesture' told me that he already got to the part when he could put in the music CD.

"Why didn't you tell me that Steve was gonna come?" I completely changed the subject.

"You didn't ask." Bucky looked over his shoulder, chuckled slightly and shook his head, pushing himself off the dresser and walked over to the bed. "Are we seriously gonna talk about Steve right now?" he straightened his arms towards my way and gestured me with his head to get up.

I rolled myself off the bed, fell on the floor but quickly stood up and just a moment later Bucky's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me tightly until there was no space left between us.

"Well if you have anything better in -..." he interrupted me by pressing his soft lips on mine, making me feel all kinds of flying insects in my stomach.

Butterflies! I meant butterflies! Gosh he really was messing with my head ...

"I thought you were gonna play some music." I chuckled after he stopped the kiss and we spend around a minute just staring into eachothers eyes.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now