Chapter 65

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A month later

"But like it doesn't make any sense?! If her shoe was a perfect fit, how did it slip off?!" I raised my eyebrows at the kid who was sitting on the opposite seat from me, Sam's nephew AJ.

Yes, another kid with NO answer to my question. Which can only mean one thing. There is a plot hole in Cinderella! Periodt.

I checked the time on my phone and let out a deep shaking breath. Bucky should've already arrived. Half an hour ago. Maybe I was just being paranoid since he was so ... secretive and kinda upset before I left.

I flew to Sam's hometown by myself for the cookout we were invited to, since Bucky had 'some things to deal with' before coming aswell. He didn't tell me what it was all about but Sam assured me that it probably had something to do with talking to some people he affected in the past.

"Don't worry Emily! He's gonna be here any minute." Sarah encouragingly shook my shoulder before offering me a bottle of beer.

"No thanks ..." I shook my head and took a glass of water instead.

"Alright girl..." for some reason she gave me a slightly suspicious look before walking over to yell at Sam. I didn't really know why but it was hilarious to watch how Sam was actually intimidated by his sister. Never gonna forget his face, iconic. Thanks Sarah.

I leaned my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my hand, looking back at AJ. He was already staring at me and as soon as his eyes met mine, I knew what was going on.

"You can't beat me." I mumbled, not breaking the eye contact.

"I won't beat you. I will destroy you." he hissed back, not blinking either.

"Damn chill out child. Today, it is the day when you will taste the sorrow feeling of losing, the shame, the - ..."

"Stark! Are you seriously having a staring contest with my nephew?!" Sam snapped from behind me.

"You can't call it a contest when the victory is practically already in my hands." I responded, still refusing to blink, ignoring the fact that my eyes were already burning.

"Leave AJ alone. Your number 1 staring machine has arrived."

Before he could say anything else, my eyes were already searching for the man who stole my heart ... or a rock ... cause according to Sam I definitely don't have a heart. <- this is what I get for being realistic.

"Yesss!! I won! I won!" AJ jumped happily before running off to greet Bucky.

"No you didn't!" I shouted after him upset before looking up at Sam. "I didn't lose ... right?" I almost whispered as if just the thought of it was too painful to deal with.

"Now you know how it feels." he mockingly responded right into my face, clearly on the edge of laughing.

"I really despise you right now Samuel." I shook my head before looking back at Bucky's direction. He was air-fighting with Sam's nephews, looking so fucking adorable, it almost made me cry.

Bruh since when was I such a crybaby?! Not cool ...

"He brought me a cake! Gosh i love this man almost as much as I love food!" I cried out way over dramatically and raised my hands like a small child to reach for the cake.

Bucky just chuckled and put it on the other side of the table, opposite from me.

"And then you wonder why food is still my number one ..." I huffed, rolled my eyes and got up to walk to the other side of the table where my dear was waiting.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now