Chapter 21

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"Okay I think we're here." Bucky sighed and stood up from the motorbike.

"Already?!" I said with an extremely disappointed voice and crossed my arms like a little kid. "I want more." I mumbled.

"C'mon we have the rest of our lives to drive around ... let's get done with some other stuff first." he said and gestured with his head to get off the motorbike.

"And if I die in the next few minutes? Then you'll have to live with the fact that my one last wish didn't come true." I babbled and pretended to be genuinely sad, looking at him with puppy eyes.

Bucky shook his head, chuckled slightly and then literally lifted me up from the motorbike's seat.

"This is not fair! How did you do that?! I had a really big breakfast and you can still lift me up?! I'm honestly offended ..." I continued with babbling while he was still holding me up in a bridal style.

"You finished?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, while trying not to laugh but at the same time probably completely done with my nonsense.

"Why you gotta be so rude ... don't you know I'm human too ..." I sang quietly and sighed dramatically as he finally let me down. Well ... skip the word finally. It was actually really nice ... like the way he was holding me up ... so close ... with one arm under the back of my knees and the other one around my upper torso ... ANYWAY.

I started walking but he didn't follow so I turned around confused. "If you're staying behind just to look at my butt I'm gonna slap you so hard Barnes." I said and suspiciously raised one of my eyebrows.

"No offense, it looks great but honestly I was looking at the helmet on your head. I mean ... you can keep it on if you want but ..."

I looked up just as if I was trying to check if the helmet was still on. I mean, of course it was, I could even feel it on my head but you know ... sometimes my actions didn't really make much of a sense.

"You know what? I'm gonna keep it on." I said stubbornly, turned around again and walked towards the big entrance.

Almost immediately I noticed Sam talking to some other younger man that I didn't know the name of. Obviously, since I've never seen him before. Anyway.

"SAMUEL!" I shouted while walking towards him and waving with both of my hands. Don't get me wrong, I still hated him but you know ... it was a special kind of hate.

As he turned around, by his face expression I assumed that he wasn't over the moon to see me. Mean. See? That's why I hated him. I'm always so nice and he's just so ... anyway.

I should stop saying anyway.


"You shouldn’t have given up the shield!" Bucky said loudly, walking past me, towards Sam.

"Good to see you too, Buck." Sam said sarcastically since Bucky didn't hesitate with getting to the point of his visit and walked down the stairs.

"... and you too Emily." I mumbled and rolled my eyes, offended by Sam's ignorance.

Well to be honest he didn't really seem to enjoy Bucky's appearance either since he walked past without even looking at him.

"This is wrong." Bucky continued and followed Sam anyway.

"Hey, hey, look, I’m working, all right? So all this outrage is gonna have to wait." Sam responded, finally at least glancing at Bucky who was following him like a little duck. Actually a not so little but a very hot duck, if may I add.

I speed walked to catch them up. "Hi!" I tried once again.

"Hi." Sam said, looking me up and down. "Why are you wearing a helmet?" he asked confused as we continued walking.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now