Chapter 59

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After spending about an hour reading random facts about turtles to make myself fall asleep I realised that it's just not gonna happen. I let out a deep breath and let my hands freely fall down on the bed.

3:00 am.

"Witching hour..." I chuckled and shook my head at the silly thought that bumped into my head.

I ended up laying in the starfish position for the next few minutes and stared at the ceiling. Then I looked at my phone again to check the time.

3:15 am.

I groaned loudly, making Sprinkles, who was sleeping at the end of the bed slightly raise his head and look at me with lazy, sleepy and annoyed glare.

"My apologies sir ..." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking through the opened window.

The night sky was beautiful, completely different from the sight I was used to in New York. It was full of stars and the full moon was brighter then ever. No city lights, almost complete darkness slightly brightened up by the shining silver moon.

Slowly I put on my sneakers and stood up. Then I took the blanket from my bed and put it around my shoulders. I smiled at the thought that it probably looked like a cape.

Since the guest room was in the second floor, I decided to rather not choose the window as my exit. Carefully I opened the door and walked through, closing them immediately and as quietly as possible.

The hall was completely dark and there were a few times when I almost tripped and rolled down the staircase. BUT!... surprisingly, this time I successfully beat my clumsy side.

I was right about to walk through the entrance door when I automatically turned around. A wide smile appeared on my face as I saw Bucky, peacefully sleeping on the couch, the moonlight only lighting up his features.

For a moment I thought of waking him up to go for a walk with me, however, then I realised this was a terrible idea. My man was finally able to get some quality sleep and I was definitely not going to be the one to ruin it.

Quickly I got out of the house. It was a great choice, taking the blanket with me,  since the air was slightly cold, expecially because of the light cool wind.

I put earbuds in my ears and started one of my playlists, enjoying some of my favourite songs as I made my way, taking slow and careful steps on the sea wall.

As I was right about to walk past Wilson's boat, I thought 'Why not go sit down for a bit and enjoy the beautiful night view from the sea?' I mean ... I was leaving in a few hours, god knows when I'll have an opportunity like this again.

Also everyone was asleep so I didn't really bother anyone if I just ...

"If Sam sees you here, you will have to listen to his speeches again, you know?"

I flinched by the sudden appearance of a voice behind me. My heart started beating faster but not just because of the entrance of unexpected company, it was also because of who the company was.

"I can already hear him losing his shit." I chuckled and turned around, smiling at the sight of Bucky while taking out my earbuds  and paused the music. His hair was messy and he kept his hands tightly in his pockets as if he was slightly cold.

"What are you doing here Buck?" I asked before looking back at the sea. However, I still couldn't stop smiling no matter how hard I tried.

"Couldn't sleep." he simply responded.

"Liar. I saw you. You were sleeping like a baby." I said and stood up when he sat down by my side.

"Ohh so you're saying that you're watching me when I sleep?" he said with a teasing smirk on his lips.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now