Chapter 3

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I mean ... I should've seen it coming. Wait no. Steve should be the one to warn me! And then I wouldn't come here and wouldn't have to deal with this...

"How've you been, Buck?" Steve asked with a smile on his face which made me even more mad.

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the - ..." he spoke but then, in the middle of the sentence, he stopped.

There was a dead silence and I knew exactly why but I refused to look up. I kept scraching Sprinkles's furry neck and kept my eyes on his paws.

"Mia?" James asked just as if he wasn't sure that it's actually me.

Clearly I wasn't the only one who Cap kept secrets from.

Steve tapped his shoulder encouragingly before they all walked inside to take care of the Vision situation.

Well almost everyone.

"Let's go for a walk." I mumbled to Sprinkles, stood up and started walking away from the only person that was left outside. They didn't need me inside anyway.

"Yeah that would be ..." James started and speed walked to catch me.

"I wasn't talking to you." I interrupted him with a cold voice and picked up a small branch from the ground.

"Oh..." he awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair while thinking of what to say.

I didn't say anything, just threw the branch a few meter away so Sprinkles could have some fun with it. My heart was beating like it was gonna jump out of my rib cage any second and I was starting to feel more and more nauseous.

I felt like I wanted to shout at James, at the same time I just wanted to cry, I also wanted to punch his perfect, lying, selfish, beautiful face but even though I tried to deny it, a small tiny part of me even wanted his warm, comforting hug.

Forget the last part.

So I did the most logical thing that a person could do in this kind of situation.

Ran away from him.

Don't judge me! Everyone has a way to cope with their problems and this was mine. It may not be the best way but in my head it was the only way.

"Mia wait! I'm sorry! Please ... let's talk about it!" James shouted and ran after me.

When Sprinkles saw me running he immediately ran after me as well. Unfortunately, he thought that I was trying to play with him and when he reached me, I was so shocked that I turned around quickly ... bad decision since I lost my focus and tripped over my own feet.

"That's it. It's official. I hate myself." I mumbled as I took some seconds to think if it's even worth it to stand up. I could just stay there. It would be - ...

Anyway, James was already next to me. He was running so fast that when he saw me, he stopped so suddenly that it made him trip as well.

Since I fell on my face, I rolled over to lay on my back as I kept my eyes on the sky while breathing heavily.

I could hear Sprinkles barking in the distance just as if he was playing with someone. Great. Now at least I knew that if I die he won't have a problem with finding a new owner.

As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't even realise that James was lying on the ground next to me, just a few inches away.

I tried to pretend that I didn't notice him and stubbornly kept my eyes on the sky. I could still feel his eyes on me which was driving me crazy.

"What do you want Sergeant Barnes?" I mumbled without looking at him, with an unnoticeable crack in my voice.

"Don't do this Mia ..." he said a bit quietly as his eyes were glazed on me.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now