Chapter 32

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"Hi. I'm here for James Barnes? Apparently he got arrested for not going to therapy..." I said and only now realised how stupid it sounded when I said it out loud.

"Please fill in this form." said the police officer behind the counter without even looking at me.

"A form? Why? It's not like I'm staying here." I protested and looked around, hoping to see a familiar face.

"It's a safety protocol that you are required to follow if you want to visit one of the prisoners." he recited just as if he was used to saying this. Which he probably was.

"Fine. Whatever." I mumbled and took the form. Then I realised that I don't have a pen so I leaned over the counter and took one from the officer's desk.

By the look he gave me, I assumed that he didn't like the fact that I took his pen. I smiled innocently and walked backwards to sit down on one of the chairs in the waiting room.

"Okay Em, you can do this ..." I mumbled to myself as I read the first two words.

First name. Emilia. Okay, that's not gonna be that hard.

Last name. Stark. Damn look at me, still going strong.

Birth date. Birth date?

"Excuse me Mr. police officer, why do you need my birth date? If you wanna send me a birthday card there are other ways to ... alright alright don't give me that look." I mumbled the last part since he glared at me just as if he was considering arresting me as well.

Which made me remember something. "Hypothetical question. If I got arrested, how big of a chance do I have to end up in a cell with  ... aaaaand he's walking away. Great." I once again mumbled the last part since he decided to leave, probably to quit this job.

Address. Address? Aww so they are planning to send me a birthday card! If I knew that they are so nice around here I would've came sooner. Kidding. However, it was nicer here than the one we had in New York. Not that I've ever been arrested! It was just a few times, when Pepper picked me up from school and we also had to go pay bail for my brother ... fun times ...

"Emilia Stark?" I looked up automatically when I heard my name being called.

"That's her." I said while pointing at myself.
"I mean, that's me. I'm Emilia but you can call me Emily." I babbled and stood up, offering my hand to the woman that just stopped in front of me.

"Dr. Raynor. I assume you got my message." she said and shook my hand as a greeting.

"Yeah. I swear, I leave him alone for five minutes and he already ends up arrested." I joked but she didn't seem to find it funny so after a few moments of me, chuckling awkwardly, I finally shut up.

"Would you mind if I asked you a few questions about James?" she asked, holding her notebook tightly on her chest.

"Nope not at all. I could talk about this man ... oh alright I'm coming." I speed walked behind the doc to one of the interrogation rooms.

"Sweet ..." I sarcastically whispered to myself, looking around the dark room with a desk and three chairs.

"You can sit down if you want ..." the doc gestured towards the chair on the opposite side of the table. I could tell that the 'if you want' was added just to sound more polite.

I clapped my hands slightly nervously and then sat down. She didn't seem like a person who enjoys a good comedy and rather watches history shows about beheading or something ... which is great but you know ... I don't think she could stand my babbling and joking for a long period of time so I decided to stay quiet.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now