Chapter 29

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"Okay, so we’ve got eight Super Soldiers on a bulk supply run. Why?" Walker started the discussion as if I didn't already feel like I'm gonna throw up.

"Because why not?" I mumbled in response and rested my forehead on Bucky's shoulder, looking down, so I wouldn't have to see Walker's face.

It might have been the fact that he was trying to replace Steve or maybe just the fact that his presence kept reminding me that Steve's not coming back. Or both. But mostly he was just an annoying asshole that I couldn't stand.

"This is not the kind of an answer I was hoping for ..."

"Well you can't always get everything that you want Walker." I said, still looking down and tried to ignore the pain in my chest. It was weird that now, when I was sitting, the pain got worse. I tried to think of something else to focus on, hoping it would help me ignore and ease the pain, at least for a little bit.

Anyway, Walker took a deep breath, just as if he was trying to calm himself down or in other words, trying not to snap at me. Which was a wise choice since I wouldn't even need a proper reason to break this guy's nose but also let's not forget about Bucky who would definitely not stand him talking to me in a bad way.

"Back to the point ... " he said, looking at Sam, hoping he would respond to his previous question.

"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during The Blip. Maybe they’re just trying to help." Sam finally responded after a short pause, full of awkward silence.

"They've got a funny way of showing it." Bucky said, looking down at me, clearly to check if I was alright.

Not even by accident, I looked up and leaned my chin on his shoulder at the exact same time as he looked at me. As he saw me already staring, his lip corners turned up slightly. He was about to whisper something into my ear but the Johnny Bravo's pal said something that caught our attention.

"You were stalking us?!" I said a little more loudly than necessary and glared at at Walker and his friend.

"You hacked my tech?!" Sam added.

"Sorry. It’s not exactly hacking." they started to defend themselves.

"It’s government property. We're kinda the government." explained Walker just as if it was a clear thing, pointing at us all. Hell nah, I was definitely not government's property like he was.

Then he chuckled slightly as Bucky and I kept staring/glaring at him.

"Do ... do they always stare like that?" he asked and once again chuckled annoyingly.

"Usually at eachother but yeah ... it's their thing. You get used to it." Sam said which caused me to look at him with raised eyebrows.

I mean, he had a point but no.

"So you two are ..." Walker questioned, nodding towards me and Bucky a few times, just as if he didn't know how to form a proper question.

"We are lots of things. Depends on which one you are-..." I started babbling kinda nervously since I didn’t really know what to say.

Bucky called me his 'girlfriend', we did have some ... moments ..., he told me he loved me ... honestly at this point I think that the coworkers with benefits era was over. However, talking about our relationship still made me nervous. I didn’t wanna say anything too much so the things wouldn't get awkward.

Or maybe I was just overthinking it all and should just marry this man already... KIDDING! Jeez ... don't take me too seriously ... anyway ...

"Yes. Yes we are." Bucky interrupted me and put his arm around my shoulders in an adorable but kinda hot and protective way while still glaring at Walker.

My heart skipped a few bits as my cheeks probably turned a little red. At least that's what I assumed since all the heat was suddenly piling up in my head.

"Wait didn't you kill her pa-..." Walker started but stopped when his pal slightly punched his shoulder to stop him from finishing the sentence.

"I can't ... I want to go ..." I quietly said to Bucky as I was trying really hard to not just take one of my knives and slit this man's throat. The amount of homicidal thoughts that he had given me in the past few minutes was astronomical.

He had no right to talk about something that he had no idea about.

"Stop the car." Bucky said immediately, clearly wanting to leave as well. He seemed mad and tensed. Pointing out something that we were both trying to forget and let go, was probably the lowest and the most disrespectful thing he could've done.

"No no c'mon. Sorry okay? Okay, look  ..." Walker continued, obviously not actually being sorry. He cleared his throat and continued "You know, things have gotten kind of, uh… chaotic."

Bucky ignored him completely as I harshly tried to swallow down the feeling of pain. "We can go Mia. They will stop the car or I'll help them with that ... I'm just not sure if you are ..." he looked down at the direction of my injured area and then back at my eyes. "... Do you think you'll be able to get to the airport?" he asked quietly, with obvious concern in his voice as Sam continued the conversation with Walker and his friend.

"We got a lot of resources. If you guys, if you joined up with us, we could …" Walker tried to get our attention, unsuccessfully of course.

"Bucky? Mia? We are kinda - ..." he continued but stopped when we both turned our heads towards him. Sam whistled, knowing that John just went down the very very dangerous road.

"Did he just-..." I started but before I even finished, I was already on my feet, taking a knife out of my pocket and pressed it against Walker's neck, just enough that it was already leaving a slight mark that was starting to bleed slightly.

"HEY HEY HEY!" his friend tried to push me away, not really successfully but at least it made the driver to stop the car.

"Finally." I said, wiped the blood off my knife on Walker's suit and then walked off the car, walking, without looking back.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now