Chapter 7

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(not in Emily's POV)

"Maguna? Morgan H. Stark. You want some lunch?"

"Define lunch or be disintegrated." Said a little girl who wore a silver and blue helmet and walked out of a small tent.

"Okay, You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for mom." replied Tony Stark, her father, and took off the helmet, revealing a mischievous smile on Morgan's face.

"Okay." she mumbled in response.

Tony narrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "What's that behind your back?"

"Nothing." Morgan responded, trying really hard not to act suspicious while keeping something behind her back.

"Very well. Anyway, about lunch, I can give you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce. Unless Little Miss decides to show me what she's hiding, then I might be able to switch crickets with some bees or chicken nuggets." Tony said casually and waited until Morgan finally gave up and gave him a book that she was hiding behind her back.

"What do we have here ..." he questioned and turned the book around so it was facing him the right way.

Tony's face expression changed immediately when he recognised the cover. It wasn't just a normal random book. It was a photo album.

"How did you find this?" he asked without looking inside the album. He knew exactly who's photos were in there and he wasn't ready to open the, still not completely healed wounds.

"I just found it ... in the garage." Morgan shrugged and looked Tony with a questioning look.

"You like going to the garage, huh? So does daddy." he said with a little, unnoticeably sad smile before they, hand-in-hand, walked back towards the house.

Just a few moments later Tony noticed a black car parking by the house. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Scott Lang got out of the car.

Tony sighed and kneeled down to get on Morgan's level of height. "Get inside and give this to mommy, okay?" he said a bit quietly and gave the photo album back to her.

She got extremely excited that her dad gave her the album back since judging by the reaction of Tony, the photos inside were important. Immediately she took it and ran inside the house.

"Mommy!" yelled the little girl as she sat down by the dining table and put the album on the wooden surface in front of her.

After a few moments, her mom joined her by the table. "What is it honey?" Pepper asked and gently messed her hair. Then she noticed the album on the table.

"Oh my... where did you find this?" she added, locking eyes with the little girl.

"In the garage. Why did daddy get so upset when he saw it?" Morgan asked, looking at her mom and narrowed her eyebrows. She was determined to get the answers.

"I don't think he would be okay with me talking about it ..." Pepper responded quietly and sighed, looking at the album cover.

Morgan made a thinking face before opening the album, on a random page, somewhere in the middle.

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