Chapter 51

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"Three of a kind, huh? Not bad ..." I mumbled while glancing at Bucky's cards that he just placed on the table, looking pretty proud of his combination.

I look down at my cards, making a thoughtful face expression before standing up and slamming my cards on the table. "Too bad for me tho! Full House bro!" I shouted excitedly since I just won three times in a row.

I made a little victory dance while moving to his side of the table.

Bucky shook his head and chuckled shortly as he turned away from the table to face me. He made grabby hands at me and spread his legs so I could come stand closer.

When I was close enough he wrapped his arms around my waistline and quietly kept looking up at me.

"You know what that means, right?" I said with a mischievous smile as I ran my fingers through his hair until I reached his shoulders, where I rested my hands.

"No. Enlighten me." he mocked the line that was usually used by me, which made us both burst out laughing.

However, our perfect moments were interrupted by Bucky's boring phone ringtone.

I groaned and pressed my forehead on the top of his head. "I'm gonna kill him. I just know it's him. I'm gonna cut off his eyelashes with a nail cliper. I'm gonna -..." I babbled while Bucky took out his flip phone just to confirm that I was right.

It was Samuel, OF COURSE!

"Calm down doll. I'm gonna have a quick chat with him and when I'm back, I'm all yours." he stopped me before I could come up with more ideas of violent actions I could use against Sam.

Slowly he got up, making me take a heavy step backwards. "You better ..." I mumbled and crossed my arms like a toddler who didn't get their favourite toy for Christmas as he pressed a kiss on my hair before walking out of the room.

"... CAUSE I WON, REMEMBER?!" I shouted after him but when he actually closed the door behind him I waved my hand disappointedly and dragged myself back to the bed.

It has been 5 days since I woke up from coma and I really wanted to leave the hospital already. Don't get me wrong, the nurses were nice (mostly, you know, there are always exceptions) and the doctor who monitored my recovery was a really funny guy, professional but still cracked a joke at the right times.

But most importantly, Bucky was there with me. All the time. Except when he went to the near store to buy and sneak in all the kinds of chocolate bars he could find, so we had a testing of the known and unknown European brands.

Wait, did I mention that for some, for me still unknown reason, we were in Riga?

Anyway, on the first day he also found the closest cloth store where he bought me some comfortable clothing so I didn't have to wear those way too big hospital pyjamas. Let me just say that my man has immaculate fashion taste.

I did call Morgan as soon as I could but Pepper answered the phone and said that she wasn't in a mood for talking. Which kinda hurt since I talked to Peter right after that and apparently they spoke right before he talked to me.

Luckily Bucky was there to cheer me up and made sure that I didn't get too caught up in negative thoughts.

After sitting on the bed and playing the Google dinosaur game for about five minutes I got bored and threw my phone on the bed while letting out a dramatic sigh.

As I was looking at the closed door, I got an idea. Once again I dragged myself off the bed and stopped as I reached the small window at the top part of the door that gave me a view on the hall.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now