Chapter 4

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"We should probably ..." I started after a few moments of silence.

"... yeah." Bucky agreed even though I didn't finish the sentence.

However, we still didn't move, we just kept laying on the ground, looking at the sky.

"... like now." I added after another few moments.

"... right." Bucky quickly shook his head just as if he was trying to wake up and quickly stood up.

I didn't even know that we were still holding hands until I got pulled up at almost the same second as he stood up.

Then it hit me. I couldn't hear Sprinkles's barking. Neither I could see him in the distance, where he was just a few minutes ago. I got so ... occupied with Bucky that I didn't even realise when the barking stopped.

My heart started beating faster as my head was filling up with the worst scenarios. There was not much time left before the fight and if Sprinkles ran away, there wasn't enough time left to find him.

"Sprinkles. I lost Sprinkles." I panicked as I kept looking around, hoping to see him running towards me.

"Sprinkles? Like ... those sweet colorful pieces you put on ice cream or doughnuts?" Bucky asked confused. He clearly didn't understand why the hell would I bring sprinkles with me to Wakanda and get so upset over losing them.

However, in his voice, there wasn't even a little bit of judgement, which was actually really nice. It seemed like he was actually ready to help me find 'my sprinkles'. But at that moment I couldn't think about how perfect he is since I started hyperventilating.

"Sprinkles is my dog!" I almost yelled and kept panicking.

Why was I so stupid?! I should've never let him go, especially since we were at unknown place and right before a freaking war was about to start.

"Hey hey hey ..." Bucky said quickly as he realised that I was on the edge of tears, turned me towards him and gently held my face between his palms. "It's gonna be okay. We'll find him." he assured me with a calm voice and looked straight into my eyes.

He knew exactly what he was doing. He always knew how to calm me down.

I shook my head. "No you have to go. They need you. I'll try to find him before ... before it's too late." I said quickly before running off.

When I was already about 10 - 20 meters away, I suddenly stopped and looked over my shoulder. Bucky turned away at the exact moment that I looked at him.

"Buck!" I shouted before I could stop myself. He was still walking but immediately looked at my way, just as if he wasn't sure if he was just imagining my voice.

When he realised that I was actually running back towards him, he stopped walking and turned towards me.

I ran at full speed and didn't stop until I reached him. When I was so close that I could literally feel his body next to mine, I immediately ran my hand through his hair, behind his ear and stopped when it reached the lower part of his head. Gently but quickly I pulled his head towards mine and pressed my lips against his into an intense but short kiss.

I wanted him to be the one to break the kiss but it didn't happen, so I had to be the one to do it. I glanced at his eyes for one last time as I moved my hand from the back of his head, gently ran it over his shoulder and down his chest before letting go and running off once again.

I ran to the near woods without looking back.

"Sprinkles! COME HERE MY BOY!" I yelled as I kept moving. Sometimes I thought I saw him, but when I actually got closer, it turned out to be just bushes or a bigger rock.

I hated the fact that I couldn't see not even nearly clear from the further distances, which ended up being extremely time consuming.

After running around and shouting at the top of my lungs for what felt like ages, I ended up at the edge of the woods.

"Holy shit ..." I mumbled with wide opened eyes as I saw a part of the barrier that was protecting the city open, letting in the monstrous alien creatures. On the other side there were
the Avengers and their Wakandan allies, running towards them.

I looked back at the woods and sighed. "Sorry Sprinkles but I have to." I said quietly and pulled a dagger from my knife pocket. I got it for my birthday from Peter. Don't even ask.

I started running down the hill while making a few flips with the dagger.

"Damn I'm still smashing it!" I cheered for myself happily as I realised that I haven't lost the only skill I had.

I quickly felt the knife pocket and tried to count how many knives I had available. Six plus the dagger.

I was fully aware that stabbing and throwing knives was probably not the best way to fight those alien creatures but I couldn't just hide and wait till the battle is over. Yeah! Stabbing time!

Wait ... maybe this was why people kept calling me psychotic? ... Nah, I'm still fully convinced that this term never suited me.

As I reached the fight, one of the disturbingly ugly creatures attacked me. I used my dagger to chop off it's legs, preventing it from moving and then stabbed it in the place where I assumed it had the heart. Wait no. This thing definitely didn't have a heart.

Whatever. It was enough to kill it.

I didn't really have much time to celebrate my little victory since one of it's buddies was on the way towards me. I had some troubles with this one since it had two more pairs of arms than I did. To make it even worse, another one of the same kind was on it's way towards me.

"Shit shit shit ..." I mumbled as I bowed just in time to avoid a deadly punch by one of it's arms. As I straightened my back again I quickly pushed the dagger into it's chest. This one just wouldn't die so I cut in a few more lines. At the end the stab lines looked like an E which I found way more entertaining than I should.

In the distance I could see another one coming but it was still quite far away. The picture of it in my head was blurry which meant I basically saw a random shadow coming closer.

I pulled out one of my knives from the iconic pocket, aimed at the target and hoped for the best as I threw it like I haven't in years. It was a great feeling though it was much harder since I couldn't clearly see my target.

It felt on the ground so I assumed I did something right. As I ran past it, I pulled the knife out of it's neck.

Well, I'm gonna be honest, I was actually going for the chest or stomach area but since it worked out perfectly, I was not going to complain about it.

After killing a few more and moving further and further ahead, I finally recognised a familiar face.

I waved at Steve before someone or something punched my head from behind me, causing me to fall on the ground.

I quickly rolled over as it's fist landed on the exact spot where my head was a moment ago. The creature that I still had no idea how to actually call, grabbed me by my neck and raised me from the ground. I tried to escape but I couldn't.

It's grip was too strong and I was running out of air.

let it hurt, let it go |Bucky Barnes| Where stories live. Discover now