Doubts and Confusion

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In the middle of the night, Hyejoo was yet again staring blankly at the ceiling with thoughts running through her mind.

Well, more like memories that decided to pay a visit and barge in Hyejoo's supposed to be peaceful night.

A certain day wherein a simple yet victorious happening made Hyejoo smile since the past few hours.

It was back then where the girls were out having a good time. They were at Hyeri's hometown, to be precise.

They decided to create their own missions or challenges, similar to those seen on reality shows, and they were currently free from jail known as their dorm.

They were divided into pairs based on their ages. From oldest to youngest. Yeojin was Hyeri's partner, and it appears that Yeojin didn't like the idea, knowing how bad Hyeri was at doing missions.

"No, eonni! That's not how you do it at all," Yeojin grumbled, frustratedly ruffling her hair. All the older can do was laugh at how the youngest reacts to whatever nonsense she was doing the whole day.

They were currently near by the beach, and their aim was to fill the bucket with sea water before the time runs out. This, was their third attempt on filling the bucket up-if only Hyeri wasn't fooling around then they could've finish the challenge in no time.

The other girls had completed this mission and were moving on to the next one, albeit some of them were still working on the prior challenge, which made Yeojin sigh with relief.

Hyeri patted the bean's head, making an attempt to calm the girl down which didn't really worked that much, "Why are we even partnered by age? Whose idea was this?"

"The one and only CEO whom you call dad."

"Well...his idea sucks this time."

Yeojin muttered, which Hyeri overheard as she laughed wildly. "If he didn't took part in this game, I would have the option of choosing Choerry eonni as my partner."

"You're going to regret saying that, Im Yeojin," the panda said, pouting briefly before replacing it with a sly grin.

"Yeah, right."

Due to Yeojin's skepticism, Hyeri made sure to make the bean regret wanting to switch partners to anyone as she nailed every challenges given.

Perfectly finishing the hard tasks could sap all of your vitality. At the conclusion of the day, it was clear that Hyeri was exhausted, but pleased that Yeojin was having a good time eating the beef that was the prize for first place.

Following their meal, the two maknaes decided to take a tour around Hyeri's hometown, as what the small bean had requested.

That was the day Hyeri unexpectedly forgot which path they had taken to get back to the others, and the two became lost.

They were concerned because they had no one with them, but they proceeded on with their own mission of locating the girls.

While wandering through the streets, Hyeri did some storytelling, which distracted Yeojin a little, which was a good move since the younger girl looked like she was about to have a panic attack because they were lost.

Phones weren't present too when the older girls established a habit of not using any of their electronic devices on the second week of each month.

When the girls were also seeking for their two maknaes, they eventually found their way back to the others, and the people on the streets were very kind to help them along the way.

Hyeri became even more exhausted and nearly lifeless as a result of this circumstance, but she persevered until it was time to return home.

Their seating arrangements in the vehicle were still determined by age, which was unfortunate for two individuals.

When the panda was finally able to relax her entire body on the car seat, she let out a huge sigh and closed her eyes. Falling asleep in no time.

The others sat in their designated seats as the van began to proceed to its final destination.

Because there was no traffic, the van moved quickly, which was a nice thing. Despite the fact that it appeared to be a negative one for Hyejoo.

Knowing Hyeri's habit of forgetting to buckle her seatbelt, it would be a risky ride for her.

The wolf could simply advise Yeojin to buckle the sleeping Hyeri's seatbelt because Hyejoo and Yerim were just sitting behind the two youngest.

However, Yeojin doesn't seem to mind if Hyeri dies in a car accident, causing Hyejoo to roll her eyes and decided not to make Yeojin do it.

She gently got up from her seat since the van was moving, snatching the strap and fastening it to the other side of Hyeri's seat.

Hyejoo smiled contently, knowing she wouldn't have to overthink things any longer as she sat back in her seat calmly.

Her attention shifted to Jinsoul, who was already staring at her with an unidentified expression. She wasn't sure what Jinsoul was trying to tell her, but her face screamed dissatisfaction, then she turned her head back to the front as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, the wolf grinned triumphantly. She had no idea why, but she felt as if she had won a game against someone she despises.

That memory have been playing in her mind for God knows how many hours now, but it still wouldn't fail to keep a smile up on her face.

However, her smiles quickly turned to frowns.

Oh c'mon Olivia, you have Gowon eonni already and have made sure you've moved on...right? she thought as she shrugged it all off when Yerim showed her the pictures they took earlier.

Yerim continued to exhibit the photos on her phone while Hyejoo was distracted. The younger girl's only thought was,

What in the hell am I doing?



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