In The Midnight Hour

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Meanwhile, at the same time of the night but different room; the bunk bed of two people shook violently, but neither of them bothered to wake up and investigate what was causing the bed to shake.

Jinsoul, who was sleeping on the top bunk, was startled awake by someone poking her in the cheeks. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Hyeri, who wore a sly grin.

"What's wrong?" the older asked, rubbing her eyes gently to get a better view of the panda's face.

"You know, the usual; I can't sleep," Hyeri stated flatly, appearing like a total moron with her current appearance. Jinsoul, on the other hand, regarded her differently.

The older girl smiled warmly and drew her close to her side, but Hyeri preferred to lie above her. Jinsoul caresses Hyeri's head when she sleeps, her head on her chest and her arms snugly wrapped around the older's torso.

Jinsoul softly rejoiced in her mind when playing with her hair worked. Hearing Hyeri's quiet snores made her feel proud; everyone knew how difficult it was for the panda to sleep at night, unless tucked in by someone.

It had been a few minutes since there had been any noise. Only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard, with the possibility of the others snoring thrown in for good measure.

Not to mention, it was also an excellent opportunity to reflect. In any case, silence promotes relaxation and concentration.

Jinsoul could only think about how fortunate and grateful she was to have a girl like Hyeri in her life at the moment.

Aside from capturing the girl's heart when everyone else was attempting to do the same thing, it was a dream to finally address Hyeri as hers.

Hyeri has the ability to positively impact anyone. She can accept all of your shortcomings and act as if you don't have any. You could call her an angel sent from heaven, but she isn't as perfect as the actual ones.

It was her flaws that elevated her to the pinnacle of perfection. I mean, everyone is. Confusing? Yes, I know.

The day, or we could say night, Jinsoul stated her true feelings towards Hyeri were still vivid in her thoughts.

She was flushed, and she was relieved that no one was awake to see how red she was. Hyeri could have been able to hear her heart racing, but the girl was already fast asleep.

Do you recall the time when they went on a stargazing date? That day marked the beginning of their relationship.

Well let's just say that after their little picnic at the park, they went for a little stroll before deciding to finally head back home.

During their serene walk, Jinsoul was debating whether or not she should confess.

Unfortunately for Hyejoo, the older girl finally had the guts to confess to Hyeri before she could even do.

It was, to put it mildly, awkward at first. But, knowing Hyeri's cheery disposition, she'd swallow the large lump of awkwardness down her throat and decide to act like a programmed robot right away.

It was as if Hyeri forgot they were best friends earlier that turned into lovers in one swift motion. She acted like it was a normal thing for people to do.

Jinsoul, on the other hand, was aware of this. Knowing that while having attempted being in a relationship before, Hyeri still lacks knowledge about anything linked to love, it was fortunate that she was a considerate person.

Jinsoul was taken aback when she learned that Hyeri liked her back after she confessed! I believe expressing that Hyeri was only 'idolizing' her was a poor choice of words, saying it especially to Hyejoo when it gave her a bucket full of hope.

But, in the end, what's done is done. Hyeri told Hyejoo the wrong words, causing her to misinterpret what the younger was actually saying.

Jinsoul will never forget the moment Hyeri confessed back to her. Of course, who can forget the day when someone you'd liked for a long time reciprocated your feelings? No one, right?

Upon losing in her trance, Hyeri jolted awake, causing Jinsoul to flinch in surprise.

The panda forced her head up with her eyes wide open, giggling at Jinsoul's reaction. With a heavy sigh, the older whacked Hyeri on the shoulders with a playful slap.

"What was that?"

"I just fell off a building."

Jinsoul tried her hardest not to laugh, covering her mouth to avoid the need to chuckle. Hyeri returned to her former position above the older, resting her head on Jinsoul's chest once more.

"Wait- doesn't it mean I was about to die in my sleep and my brain just saved me by conjuring up these scenarios?" With her eyes widened, Hyeri inquired, her gaze drawn right to Jinsoul's.

"Nope," said the older girl as she popped the p in the end. "It means that'll be the cause of your death in the future," she remarked.


Jinsoul burst out laughing, but quickly covered her lips when she realized what she had done. Nonetheless, she can't help herself from secretly giggling.

The younger girl stared at her with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, still unable to believe what Jinsoul had just said.

"I'm just kidding."

Jinsoul's claimed reassurance didn't help Hyeri at all as she pouted at her. "You've just instilled in me a fear of heights."

"Aww, I'm sorry," Jinsoul said, kissing Hyeri on the forehead before toying with her hair once more. The younger deadpanned, "You aren't being sincere with that."

Jinsoul suppressed her laughter once more as a result of this, "Hey! I'm sincere to everything I say."

"Yeah right," scoffed the panda, who then fell silent for a few moments. The older thought that Hyeri went back to sleep but she spoke once again, "Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I'm just thinking about some things."

"Like what?"

"Like how it was possible for you to be mine."

Hyeri gave her a grimacing face and a vomit sound for some reason. "What was that reaction?" Jinsoul said, surprised, staring at Hyeri in bewilderment as the younger girl did nothing but giggle and bury her head beneath a pillow.

"I'm sorry...but that wasn't like you at all," Hyeri continued silently giggling at Jinsoul, who was now sulking.

"You're so mean; I'm trying my hardest to show my love for you, and here you are laughing at how stupid I sound and appear."

"I'm sorry, but you don't have to; I already know you love me~"

Meanwhile, Jungeun is stuck in the bottom bunk, unable to fall asleep after inadvertently overhearing the couple's talk.

"God, you don't have to throw it right on my face that I'm single and hopeless."


oh has it been a week already? here's an update for y'all:D

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