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POV change

Five years later

I stood in the kitchen washing Orcas favorite fruit off for her when Raph walked through the door "hey baby." Orca ran over as fast as she could "DADDY" he chuckled then picked her up "and how are you princess?" She smiled "mommy is washing a kiwi for me." He smiled and looked at me "is that so?" She nodded "yeah and its my birthday so I get to see all my cousins and grandpa." He chuckled again as I finished cutting the kiwi then sat Orca down "here sweetie." She ran over and took it from me before running into the living room to watch her favorite show "you doing ok today?" I nodded "yeah. A little horny, but overall ok." He smirked and pinned me against the counter before lowering himself to his knees "did you hear that little warriors? Mommy wants to get freaky, so watch out in there." I swatted him making him fall back and laugh "hey I was just kidding. I don't need to go into labor this early on." He stood up and hugged me and I hugged him back "how did you do fighting fishface today?" He only huffed then went and sat next to Orca completely ignoring me which was unusual, but I brushed it off then went in and sat next to them only to have Raph get up and leave.

"Babe are you ok? Your avoiding me. Did someone say something about me or...?" He sighed "no I just- I'm sorry." He broke down in tears and hugged me "what are you sorry for?" He took a deep breath "everything. I've been treating you bad and keeping secrets lately and I shouldn't be because there's no reason for it." I kept him close to me "you can open up about it." He nodded against my shoulder "I know, but I don't want to lose you over my secrets." I furrowed my brows "you'll never lose me. Just tell me." He took a deep breath then removed his mask to reveal an infected cut "how'd you get that?" He looked down "fighting Spider Bytes two weeks ago." I sighed before standing up and getting the first aid kit then coming back and noticed he was writing something down "hows this for a few names?" I looked at it and smiled "Zirda is a good name. Its gender neutral, but Sal?" He smiled sheepishly "how about Katorzion?" I wrote it down and he looked at me "so its pronounced contortion just without the first N with and with a mixture of a tion and Z sound?" I nodded "I mean its more for like a pets name, but the way you have it would be cool for a kids name." 

"Mommy, Daddy. They're here." I smiled at him "use this to clean the cut and use this to put on it with a band-aid." He nodded and did as I said as I went to meet the family we hadn't seen in the last year "hey guys." Boy were they surprised to see me in a sun dress with a six month pregnant belly "Y/n?" I laughed a little "can I help you?" Orca ran over and hugged my legs then gently patted my belly before kissing it "my baby brother is in there." I nudged her gently with my leg and she pouted with crossed arms "and my sister." Genie looked at me surprised "twins?" I nodded "yeah. That's why my belly is already so big and as you can see Orca isn't real happy about that." 

We stood around and talked for quite a few hours while the kids all ran around playing then once it was time for them to leave Orca was so tired she didn't even throw a fit like she usually did because she loves her cousins so much. "See you guys later." Orca gave a tired wave then yawned and I knew it was bed time for all of us.

Three months later (May)

As I graded papers on the table at home I suddenly felt water run down my legs and all over the chair and as calm as ever I stood up and looked at Raph who sat on the couch with Orca and as soon as he felt me looking at him he turned to look at me and I gave him the news. 

"Raph. Its time to go." He shot up off the couch "now?" I nodded and grabbed the bag we had prepared a week earlier off the table and handed it to him "Orca honey come on." She looked at me then slid off the couch and walked with me and Raph out to the car where she strapped herself into her car seat then rode quietly all the way to the hospital while Raph called Splinter to have him come sit with Orca while the other two were born.

Five hours later

"So now have Zirda and Katorzion correct?" We nodded "alright. You guys can go home in two days." I sighed when she walked out of the room "that was tiring ." Raph kissed my forehead and gently brushed my hair out of my face "you did amazing again Y/n and your ok. That's all I want, is for you and the babies to be ok and you guys are." I gave a tired laughed "come on you don't want me to die on you like I did when Orca was born?" He chuckled with tears in his eyes "no I don't. That's another reason why I was being so distant was just in case they couldn't revive you and I'd have to raise the kids by myself." I sat up the best I could "oh Raph you worry wart." I hugged him as he started crying "don't be like teenager me and think of the worst. It won't do you any good." He hiccuped "I know, but I was so scared that they wouldn't be able to save you this time." I squoze him a little "well I'm ok, so stop worrying so much. Please."

The twins:

The twins:

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