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POV change

I sat at Y/ns desk watching her teach the students about notes and how high each one goes when my phone went off with a call from Leo and it made everyone look at me, so I left the room to answer it.

R: hello?

L: hey uh *sniffles* dads in the hospital right now.

R: what why?

L: I dont know. I was visiting with him before work and he suddenly collapsed and was having a hard time breathing.

R: *sighs* ok. Me and Y/n will be there as soon as we can.

L: ok. See ya then.

R: wait.

L: what?

R: uh...tell dad that I love him.

L: uhm...ok. *hangs up*

I walked back in her room as the class was cleaning up to leave and she automatically noticed something was wrong, so she pulled me off to the side where no one could hear and I explained everything making me choke on tears, scared I was going to lose my father, so she brought me into a hug and held me there as she waved by the the class. Once she let me go she started cleaning up her belongings and called someone to come substitute for her until tomorrow.

"A substitute will be here in ten minutes then we can leave and go see Splinter ok?" I nodded, but wouldn't look at her, so she walked over and hugged me as I sat on a stool "we're also going to go meet a little girl up in Africa in two weeks during Christmas break. She has an younger brother too, so if everything goes right we get both." I nodded then pretty soon the sub showed up and we left "so how old are these kids?" She glanced at me then back to the road "the little girl is five and her brother is three. The boys birthday is in three days, so he'll be four soon and the girl just barely turned five a month ago." I sighed "I just dont get how parents can abandon their kids or just simply give them up because they don't want them...especially after a few years." It had always upset me that people could do those types of things "I dont get it either Raph, but I can understand that if they can barely provide for themselves then they aren't providing for the kids." I growled "I understand that too I just dont get why they'd dump them when they are perfectly capable of taking care of them." Y/n only sighed then placed her hand on mine.

When we got to the hospital it didn't take very long to get to the room where Splinter was, but it didn't look very good. "Raph?" I looked at my brothers then back to Splinter "we were just told he has cancer on his brain and its stage four, so there isnt much they can do for him." I clenched my fist and tightened my jaw muscles not sure how to react to the news "they said they could try surgery, but theres a chance he might not make it through and if he does he probably won't remember any of us or even his name." I felt a tear roll down my face and refused to look anywhere but the floor "they also said-" I interupeted "just stop already. I get that they can't help him and we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't." Leo narrowed his eyes at me "why have you always been like this Raph? I was just telling you what the doctors said." I growled and went to walk up to him, but Y/n stepped between me and him "because of that right there. I didn't want to hear more and yet you get mad at me when I ask you to stop." I turned and walked out and Leo followed behind me then the others behind him.

Once we got out to the parking lot I went to get in the car, but felt a hard shove in my shell that caused me to almost fall. "What the hell?" I spun around only meet eyes with Leo "whats your problem?" I was blown away that he thought I had a problem "I don't have a problem. I tried to leave, but you followed me out here." He scoffed and rolled his eyes "you always have had a problem and you always try blaming it on me." I scoffed and shook my head not believing what he was saying "stop living in the past Leo. I'm not a little kid anymore and neither are you. Let go of the past." I opened the car door, but he slammed it shut again "god damnit Leo. Just let me go home." He shook his head "not until you tell me what your problem is." I sighed and clenched my fist "you wanna know what my problem is? Fine. Our father is laying in a hospital bed dying and when I asked you to stop telling me something that bothered me you got mad, but if it had been you that had asked me to stop I wouldn't have gotten pissed like you did." He growled and went to walk away, but I knew better.

As I stood here staring in awe at the fact that Y/n had Leo pinned on the ground it just didn't make sense as to why he was acting like I used to. "That was uncalled for Leo." He struggled under her grasp, but couldnt go anywhere even with the other two pilling on her "says who?" Donnie looked down at him "all of us." Mikey nodded "and just because dad is...dying doesn't mean you can be rude and mean. We understand you have and always will have a better relationship with him than any of us ever did or will, but stop acting nasty." I walked over to Y/n and lifted her off Leo once he apologized for everything "its cool. Just dont do it again."

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