The sun on ferlaya

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Ty walks confidently forward as anko watches him in amazement.

Anko: his...his plan actually worked....

Ty: anko. Get those harpies out of the water, they will drown. And get them healed up... I'm not done with them yet.

Suddenly bubbles appeared next to ty. In the water. Leah pulls herself up out of the water and next to ty as she cocks her rifle.

Leah: here.

Leah hands ty a assault rifle that was rusted all over.

Leah: it's not much, but it'll kill. we have to get to the castle....but it's near impossible to get inside.

Leah:....but your plan was to get in and scare are we.

Ty: listen the main objective of the mission was to destroy the fleet. And we did that. But....if we scare them. And can stop the production of their tanks and subship prototypes

Leah: so your plan is to scare them but you didn't awnser me. HOW?!?

Ty: damnit Leah I'm not sure yet!

Leah: shouldn't you have a general idea by now though?!

Ty: look I'm not that good at planning things alright?



Leah: oh my fucking god...

Ty stares ahead at the wall...and then he looks around....and then he remembers what he saw directly after Vivian ate jack....

Ty:......a nuke....

Leah: I'm sorry?

Ty:   I saw In the rubble of the building a was a warhead...a nuke...

Leah: what the hell is a nuke?

Ty: something even more dangerous than any tank or
Subship... it can annihilate ten miles of forest in the fraction of a second.

Leah: eh-...wha- why are you bringing this up?!

Ty:....we are going to set it off.

Leah: WHAT?!?!

Ty: don't worry I think I have an idea.

Ty brings out his relic and shakes it. Suddenly a hand emerges from the water and anko appears.

Anko: Romeave? How can I help?

Ty: you and Leah stay here, I'm going to find a nuke.

Leah: ty-

It was too late as ty ran off to go inside of a massive security building.


The building was abandoned but evidence of people being there was clear.

Ty unsheathed his mother's sword just in case.

Ty tried to remember the photo. The warhead seemed to be stashed away in a vault of some sort, as it was surrounded by other weapons.

Ty wandered the halls for a good while. Before he found a vault door. He saw that there was a code pad. He scoffed and stabbed it with his sword and kicked down the vault door.

Ty saw it. The weapon of true mass destruction.

Ty: damn it looks big.

Ty walks over to it and picks it up before putting it on his shoulder. He then grabbed some other mechanical devices that where likely used to trigger the explosion.

Ty then exited t building to find anko, bella and anko all watching him exit.

Bella: what is that !? A giant pill?

Ty carefully lays it down.

Ty then sets down the mechanics and stares at it for a bit.

Then ty stares at it in horror. can only be activated underground......

Leah: wich means?.....

Ty:.....someone has to go with it... would we get it underground?.....

Leah: well garnet could...but she's so young.....she-

Bella: I'll do it......

Ty: what?

Bella: my claws are perfect for digging, and I could carry the bomb over to the perfect area.....why are we setting it off?....

Ty:.....this is the scare...

Bella stares at the bomb in slight terror before she takes a deep breath in and exhales. When she opened her eyes, a new hope resides in them.


Bella: Leah...I've been hunting you my entire life...and I've caused you both trouble even when your tire plan was to save this world.

Ty: well technically you didn't know but.

Bella:...I'll do it....


Ty is still staring at the mechanism trying to see if there was another way...

Anko:.....Bella you don't.

Ty:'s ok......she can go.

Bella: ty.....thank you...

Ty: no....thank you....Leah let's go..and anko.

Anko: what?

Ty: crisis should be stationed a couple kilometers away from the south wall....they found a breach but. It's unlikely that they will go in....

Ty looks at Bella. Then gives her an acknowledging stare

Ty: I have a plan now.....and it's thanks to you giving up your heart for this world.

To be continued...

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