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The huge battleships sat vacant in the large river. Just behind them lay a walled in city, far bigger than any base. In the very center lay a castle that gave of a tan gleam. It as like a gem sticking forth from a stone. The five ships floated in the calm river, anchored down and ready for anything.

The crew worked in the hot sun keeping the ships in top shape with regular maintenance checks.

Suddenly the forest wavered. Everyone o the ships stood up straight and stared at the forest. Some slowly walked over to guns and cannons on the ship.

Crewmen: strange....it's not a particularly windy day today........

The forest shook again. However nothing came out. Finally a group of huge bugs bursted forth from the foliage and scattered away in weird directions, however they couldn't possibly make it across the river, nor would they be a threat.

Crewman:......just bugs......

A ship was suddenly engulfed in the white froth of violent water as it split in half . A huge blue webbed hand had also grabbed a few sailors as finally the wreckage was complete. The ship was gone.


The other ships got to their stations and armed their weapons. But then.

Two feathered beasts crashed into another ships as its sails snapped inward as the ship began to sink.

sailors looked around, trying pick what to shoot at. As they did anko suddenly surged forth from the water.

The ships stared helplessly as ferlayas Goliath rushed from the light blue tropical water. The beast blocked out the sun before finally breaching and landing in another ship, completely wiping it from existence.

Two ships remained.

The remaining crew fired at anko and five cannons successfully plunged and punctured her lower half.

After the shots she completely vanished. A white and red frothy foam replaced her last position.

The harpies that had taken out a ship earlier where currently drowning under the water, however anko pushed through her own pain and grabbed the two and dragged them down the river

Bella sparked above the ships avoiding gunfire and cannons. Bella watched carefully and just saw anko go under to retrieve the harpy's.  Bella inhaled before she unleashed a huge scream

It was time.


Crew member: what the hell?!-

The crew looked up at the dot in the sky.


A figure popped up from the side of the ship and zoomed in, slamming into a crewmember and pinning him down to the ships deck with his foot before decapitating him.

Ty looked up at the crew around him. Then stared blankly around.

Crew member: I-...ITS ROMEAVE!!!!?? THE NAGA SLAYER?!?? SEND HIM TO HELL!!!!!!!!!

Ty: we are already there...together..

Ty rushed forth and sliced the throats of two soldiers with his mother's blade before kicking them away. Ty then took out a pistol and shot at three other sailors who where rushing forward.

They hit but they where body shots, not hitting any organs.

Ty: tch-

Ty rushed at them as well before ducking down and tackling one.
The two left standing turned towards ty. But as they did they both froze as their heads bursted in blood and a gunshot rang out.

Ty looked back at the forest and saw the glint of a snipers scope.


Leah cocked her rifle for another shot as she stared intent at the crew. She then swatted a big off of the rifles body, revealing jacks name engraved in the stock.

Leah: ...Godspeed ty...

Ty stabbed the soldier beneath him and used his gear launch himself towards the other boat.

Crew member: YOU COWARD-

Suddenly Bella dive bombed the ship and went straight through it, completely shattering the boat into thousands of wooden Chunks.

Ty landed on the other ship and pulled out his pistol again. However two shots struck the wall right next to him, signaling him to move.

Ty got to cover behind a box. The ship was now rocking violently after the rivers calm atmosphere was disrupted.

The box that ty was behind slid to his right after the ship leaned to the side. Ty was completely open. But so where the others.


Ty ran out towards the soilders and shot, killing two and crippling two more. Ty then dived behind the ships mast and grit his teeth as he heard bullets whizzing past his head and body.

Ty then leaned out and shot at seemingly random. None of his shots connected.

Ty: DAMNIT!!!!!

Two shots rang out as two soldiers heads exploded in a red slushy.
The remaining crew members panicked and looked around completely helpless.

Ty took the sudden confusion and charged at the remaining soldiers and sliced ones arm off before sidestepping to the left. Suddenly more soldiers bursted from the captains cabin.

Ty: FUCK!!!!

They all aimed down as ty was completely open.

Ty rushed towards the edge of the ship and jumped off as the crew opened fire.

As soon as ty jumped Anko leaped into the air and crashed down onto the ship killing the crew and with it, destroying the battalion guarding the city. All in under 4 and a half minutes.


The water was finally calm again as the sun was now directly above the capital. The ship wreckage was scattered out. The large ship dock was now empty.

Suddenly anko surfaced and the harpy's on the other side of the river sighed in relief.

Anko then leaned down towards the pier and opened her mouth.

Ty slowly walked out into the pier, staring forward at the city. His eyes glinted with a new ferocity.

Ty:...I'm ending hell.....MY hell...

To be continued...

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