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Ty is stirred awake by a constant rumbling outside. Ty slowly shifts inside of the root cave he resided and peered outside and exhaled rapidly in panic.

Silver scales glistened in the midday sun. Ty stared at it petrified.

Ty: that's the biggest fucking snake I've ever fucking seen...

Ty stays still and waits for the thing to move away. Finally he crawls out to see what just left.

A giant naga...it had light blue skin and grey hair and easily stood over 116 ft high and was over 300 feet long. Ty stared at it as an image of a titan shot through his head.

Ty, purely out of instinct try's to fire is ODM gear to kill the giant. But nothing happens. Ty forgot to take the gear off when he went to bed and now it's filled with dirt.

Ty desperately clicks the release button as he begins to hear screaming in his head. He spirals into a panic attack.

Ty: c-..c-.cmon!!! CMON!!!

Ty realized that he yelled. Ty looks up at the naga to see it was gone.

Ty shivers as he sheathes his weapons and calms down.

Until a wave of hot steamy heat hits him from behind.

??????: hello there little one~

Ty freezes. He realizes his hand is already on the hilt of his ODM gears blades.

??????: you sure are fearless showing up here unarmed...lucky me...

Ty turned to face the naga. It was a woman. Her bare chest was covered by a makeshift leaf bra. Her eyes where a dark purple and they gazed almost lustfully into tys soul. He could t move as a ringing noise resounded in his ear. Suddenly her enourmus face got closer and a wave of hot sticky breath washed over ty as he stood frozen.

????????:you would make a lovely snack~

Suddenly a loud Yelp is heard as a figure seems to have tripped over the rough floor of the jungle. The naga grins.

???????: looks like I got two for on-

Ty was sprinting as fast as he could the other way. He didn't look back as his eyes were wide with terror and fear. He actually made it a fair distance.

????????: ohhohoho~ no you don't sweetie~

Suddenly ty freezes as an unknowing overwhelming force overtakes him. He turns around as the world seems to be faded as sparkly. The curvaceous giant naga was currently holding a neko in her hand as she beckoned him forward. Ty stared in horror but. His foot moved. Ty stared at his feet in shock. Why was he moving?

???????:it's ok hun....nobody can resist me...I'll make all of your dreams come true~

Ty was walking forward, under some strange spell. The nagas eyes glowed slightly as she grinned.

Ty took one more step and then looked up just in time.

Then naga took the hypnotized figure, who was actually a neko, and carefully place her into her mouth. In one swift motion the neko was gone and was swallowed whole.

Ty shook at this cruel sight and began to scream as suddenly the sparkles around him went away. As he did this a loud gulp resonated through the jungle which causes a immense silence.

Ty held his head and turned the other way and continued his sprint.


??????:h-...he broke free?...

Ty found a nearby fast flowing rapids and in a pure state of panic, rage, and confusion, fell in and was swept away from the nightmare.

As ty is churning in the damn his already broken arm is being smashed into sharp rocks along with the rest of his body.

Ty is holding his breath as he can't think straight. Ty takes a deep breath of water in accident and coughs before resurfacing, just in time to start a free fall down a waterfall


Ty lands in the small estuary at the waterfalls bottom and manages to crawl up to shore. Ty coughs up what seems to be gallons of water and holds his now even more broken arm. Ty finally begins to lose consciousness as he try's to crawl towards a bush for a safe place to sleep.

Ty manages to hide in a bush, but to his dismay it was a thorn bush. Ty forced his way in and finally allowed himself to black out.

However in the distance .

A cloud of smoke rises just over the hill ty resided.

To be continued...

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