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Gunther:....I know they don't believe you but I could trish do something like that?..

Ty: I-....I don't know.....

Gunther:...well since your basically under military arrest. You are temporarily going to have to do dangerous tasks for the military.

Ty: such as?..

Ty and Gunther stood behind a door.


Gunther:...yeah.....I' sorry ty....

The door in front of them read. "Containment no 5"


Gunther: I'm sorry I -...I have to obey the law and make you do this..your not guilty of anything but the court said otherwise...

Gunther then puts his hand on his shoulder.

Gunther: may god keep you safe in their.

Ty exhaled as Gunther unlocked the cuffs on Tys arms. And then unlocked the door.

Gunther then walked ty in.

It was a pool.

But there where no windows. It was a completely dark room. The only things that kept it lit where the small bulbs hanging from the ceiling. The water was rippling.

The door shuts behind ty as a voice goes over the speaker in the room.


Ty stares at the water as it suddenly bubbles.


Ty exhales as he mentally prepares himself.

Ty grabs a small scuba mask and walks to the edge of the pool. He has a spare module for the bulb in his hand along with a special tool to help him in fixing it.


Ty hops in.

As soon as ty entered he notices how warm the water was. It almost caught him off guard. It was pitch black in the tank. He needed to use the light in his mask to see. As he turned it on a small light shined in front of him. A feed of oxygen was being filtered from the water and into the mask.

Ty went against the wall and looked down. It was pitch blacks it was easily 100 feet deep. The pool was easily over 1000 feet long and 2000 feet wide. Ty stares at the wall as he carefully glided along. He could barely see the bottom.

Each waking minute felt like an hour. The water pressure around him surprisingly didn't affect him as much as he thought. Ty then felt a current against his shoulder.

Ty turned and was met with nothing. But a shiny glimmer was seen in the water ahead of him. It quickly went away.

Ty turned back and spotted the port for the replacement bulb. He quickly swam down towards it and began to work with wires and modules. Next to him as a huge hole that was made dude to a huge screw coming off due to lack of maintenance in the pool. Ty took note of this.

Ty used the tool to start welding. He then inserted a module in ,Flicked a few switches then connected the final main cord.

The lights in the pool whirred to life.


Ty was in a mouth...

Ty: MGH??!??

Ty quickly grabbed a small pole inside of the missing screw hole and pulled himself in as he heard the mouth close behind him.

Ty forced himself deeper in. He felt the current of the underwater breathing behind him. He was barely big enough to fit in the small space. He wasn't looking out behind him where the mouth was but looking at the dead end ahead of him. The mouth was over the hole waiting for him to come out.

Ty looked around in the hole. He found nothing.

Ty could only think of one thing.

Ty took off the mask and threw it behind him, getting rid of his only way to breathe. And...

The mouth closed for a brief moment.

As soon as it closed ty rocketed out and began to use some of the chipped pieces of wall to pull himself super fast up towards the surface he could feel a current behind him.

Ty snagged the edge of the pool and pulled himself up and inhaled a deep breath while sprinting to the nearest wall.

Ty turns around and sees a mermaids head. She smiled and unrolled her tongue.

Gunther bursts in and motions at ty.

Gunther: GET IN HERE NOW!!!!!!HURRY!!!!

The mermaid opened her mouth to reveal a frog like young that was ready to snag up ty.

Ty sprinted forward and dive into the door. As soon as the door closed a huge bang was heard outside as the mermaids tongue slammed against the metal door as they both stood against it in the other side.

Gunther: you

Ty: god fucking knows.........

They both sat in silence. am to go?...

To be continued...

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